Paquets logiciels dans « bookworm », Sous-section gnu-r

littler (0.3.17-1)
interface en ligne de commande et script GNU R – paquet de transition
paquet virtuel fourni par r-cran-littler
python3-mofapy (1.6.1+dfsg-10)
Multi-Omics Factor Analysis (MOFA) - Python module
r-base (
système de calcul statistique et de graphique GNU R
r-base-core (
noyau de GNU R, un système de calculs statistiques et de graphiques
r-base-dev (
Installation de paquets GNU⋅R auxiliaires
r-bioc-affxparser (1.70.0-1)
kit de développement logiciel d'analyse de fichiers Affymetrix
r-bioc-affy (1.76.0-1)
méthodes de BioConductor pour les matrices d'oligonucléotides d'Affymetrix
r-bioc-affyio (1.68.0-1)
outils BioConductor pour l'analyse de fichiers de données d'Affymetrix
r-bioc-all (1.40.0-1)
paquet de données de BioConductor utilisé par divers outils bioc
r-bioc-altcdfenvs (1:2.60.0-1)
environnements CDF alternatifs pour BioConductor
r-bioc-annotate (1.76.0+dfsg-1)
annotations de BioConductor pour les puces à ADN
r-bioc-annotationdbi (1.60.0-1)
GNU R Annotation Database Interface pour BioConductor
r-bioc-annotationfilter (1.22.0+dfsg-1)
fonctions pour le filtrage des ressources d'annotation de BioConductor
r-bioc-annotationhub (3.6.0+dfsg-1)
client GNU R pour accéder aux ressources d'AnnotationHub
r-bioc-aroma.light (3.28.0-1)
méthodes de BioConductor de normalisation et de visualisation de données de puces à ADN
r-bioc-arrayexpress (1.57.0-1)
accès à la base de données de puces à ADN ArrayExpress de l'EBI
r-bioc-ballgown (2.30.0+dfsg-1)
analyse d'expression différentielle flexible au niveau des isoformes
r-bioc-basilisk (1.10.2+ds-4)
freezing Python dependencies inside Bioconductor packages
r-bioc-basilisk.utils (1.10.0+ds-1)
utilitaires de BioConductor pour l'installation de basilisk
r-bioc-beachmat (2.14.0+ds-1)
E/S pour plusieurs formats de stockage de données de matrice
r-bioc-biobase (2.58.0-2)
fonctions de base pour Bioconductor
r-bioc-biocbaseutils (1.0.0+dfsg-2)
General utility functions for developing Bioconductor packages
r-bioc-bioccheck (1.34.2+dfsg-1)
Bioconductor-specific package checks
r-bioc-biocfilecache (2.6.1+dfsg-1)
gestion par GNU R de fichiers entre les sessions
r-bioc-biocgenerics (0.44.0-2)
generic functions for Bioconductor
r-bioc-biocio (1.8.0+dfsg-1)
standard input and output for Bioconductor packages
r-bioc-biocneighbors (1.16.0+ds-1)
Nearest Neighbor Detection for Bioconductor Packages
r-bioc-biocparallel (1.32.5-1)
BioConductor facilities for parallel evaluation
r-bioc-biocsingular (1.14.0+ds-2)
décomposition en valeurs singulières pour les paquets de Bioconductor
r-bioc-biocstyle (2.26.0+dfsg-1)
standard styles for vignettes and other Bioconductor documents
r-bioc-biocversion (3.16.0-1)
set the appropriate version of Bioconductor packages
r-bioc-biocviews (1.66.2-1)
Categorized views of R package repositories
r-bioc-biomart (2.54.0+dfsg-1)
interface de GNU R aux bases de données BioMart (Ensembl, COSMIC, Wormbase et Gramene)
r-bioc-biomformat (1.26.0+dfsg-1)
GNU R interface package for the BIOM file format
r-bioc-biostrings (2.66.0-1)
GNU R string objects representing biological sequences
r-bioc-biovizbase (1.46.0-1)
GNU R basic graphic utilities for visualization of genomic data
r-bioc-bladderbatch (1.36.0-1)
GNU R bladder gene expression data illustrating batch effects
r-bioc-bluster (1.8.0+dfsg-2)
Clustering Algorithms for Bioconductor
r-bioc-bsgenome (1.66.3-1)
infrastructure de BioConductor pour les paquets de données de génome basés sur Biostrings
r-bioc-bsseq (1.34.0+dfsg-4)
Bioconductor analyze, manage and store bisulfite sequencing data
r-bioc-chemminer (3.50.0+dfsg-1)
boite à outils de chimioinformatique pour R
r-bioc-cner (1.34.0+dfsg-1)
CNE Detection and Visualization
r-bioc-complexheatmap (2.14.0+dfsg-1)
make complex heatmaps using GNU R
r-bioc-consensusclusterplus (1.62.0-1)
GNU R determining cluster count and membership
r-bioc-ctc (1.72.0-1)
conversion d’arbre et de regroupement
r-bioc-cummerbund (2.40.0-1)
tool for analysis of Cufflinks RNA-Seq output
r-bioc-dada2 (1.26.0+dfsg-1)
sample inference from amplicon sequencing data
r-bioc-decoupler (2.4.0+dfsg-1)
infer biological activities from omics data
r-bioc-degnorm (1.8.2+ds-1)
DegNorm: degradation normalization for RNA-seq data
r-bioc-degreport (1.34.0+dfsg-1)
BioConductor report of DEG analysis
r-bioc-delayedarray (0.24.0+dfsg-1)
BioConductor delayed operations on array-like objects
r-bioc-delayedmatrixstats (1.20.0+ds-1)
fonctions pour les lignes et les colonnes des objets « DelayedMatrix »
r-bioc-demixt (1.14.0+dfsg-1)
Cell type-specific deconvolution of heterogeneous tumor samples
r-bioc-deseq (1.39.0-10)
analyse d’expression différentielle de gène avec GNU R
r-bioc-deseq2 (1.38.3+dfsg-1)
R package for RNA-Seq Differential Expression Analysis
r-bioc-destiny (3.12.0-1)
GNU R diffusion maps
r-bioc-dexseq (1.44.0+dfsg-1)
GNU R inference of differential exon usage in RNA-Seq
r-bioc-dir.expiry (1.6.0+ds-1)
Bioconductor managing expiration for cache directories
r-bioc-dirichletmultinomial (1.40.0-1)
Dirichlet-Multinomial Mixture Model Machine Learning for Microbiome Data
r-bioc-dnacopy (1.72.3-1)
paquet de R : analyse des données de nombre de copies d'ADN
r-bioc-drimseq (1.26.0-1)
Differential transcript usage and tuQTL analyses with
r-bioc-dropletutils (1.18.1+ds-1)
utilitaires de BioConductor pour gérer des données de gouttelette de cellule unique
r-bioc-dss (2.46.0+dfsg-2)
Bioconductor dispersion shrinkage for sequencing data
r-bioc-dupradar (1.28.0+ds-1)
BioConductor assessment of duplication rates in RNA-Seq datasets
r-bioc-ebseq (1.38.0-1)
R package for RNA-Seq Differential Expression Analysis
r-bioc-edaseq (2.32.0+dfsg-2)
GNU R exploratory data analysis and normalization for RNA-Seq
r-bioc-edger (3.40.2+dfsg-1)
analyse empirique de données numériques d’expressions de gène avec R
r-bioc-eir (1.38.0+ds-1)
Accelerated similarity searching of small molecules
r-bioc-ensembldb (2.22.0+dfsg-1)
GNU R utilities to create and use an Ensembl based annotation database
r-bioc-experimenthub (2.6.0+ds-1)
client BioConductor pour accéder aux ressources d’ExperimentHub
r-bioc-fishpond (2.4.1+ds-1)
Differential transcript and gene expression with inferential replicates
r-bioc-fmcsr (1.40.0+dfsg-1)
GNU R mismatch tolerant maximum common substructure searching
r-bioc-genefilter (1.80.3-1)
méthodes de filtrage de gènes à partir d’expériences sur puce
r-bioc-genelendatabase (1.34.0-1)
GNU R lengths of mRNA transcripts for a number of genomes
r-bioc-geneplotter (1.76.0-1)
paquet de R de fonctions de tracé de données génomiques
r-bioc-genomeinfodb (1.34.9-1)
BioConductor utilities for manipulating chromosome identifiers
r-bioc-genomeinfodbdata (1.2.9-1)
BioConductor species and taxonomy ID look up tables
r-bioc-genomicalignments (1.34.0-1)
BioConductor representation and manipulation of short genomic alignments
r-bioc-genomicfeatures (1.50.4+dfsg-1)
GNU R tools for making and manipulating transcript centric annotations
r-bioc-genomicfiles (1.34.0-1)
Distributed computing by file or by range
r-bioc-genomicranges (1.50.2+dfsg-1)
BioConductor representation and manipulation of genomic intervals
r-bioc-geoquery (2.66.0+dfsg-1)
Get data from NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO)
r-bioc-ggbio (1.46.0-1)
Visualization tools for genomic data
r-bioc-glmgampoi (1.10.2+dfsg-1)
GNU R fit a Gamma-Poisson generalized linear model
r-bioc-go.db (3.16.0-1)
annotation maps describing the entire Gene Ontology
r-bioc-gosemsim (2.24.0-1)
GO-terms semantic similarity measures
r-bioc-goseq (1.50.0-1)
GNU R gene ontology analyser for RNA-seq and other length biased data
r-bioc-graph (1.76.0-2)
handle graph data structures for BioConductor
r-bioc-grohmm (1.32.0-1)
GRO-seq Analysis Pipeline
r-bioc-gseabase (1.60.0+ds-1)
Gene set enrichment data structures and methods
r-bioc-gsva (1.46.0+ds-1)
Gene Set Variation Analysis for microarray and RNA-seq data
r-bioc-gviz (1.42.1+dfsg-1)
Plotting data and annotation information along genomic coordinates
r-bioc-hdf5array (1.26.0-1)
HDF5 backend for DelayedArray objects
r-bioc-hsmmsinglecell (1.18.0-1)
Single-cell RNA-Seq for differentiating human skeletal muscle myoblasts
r-bioc-htsfilter (1.38.0+dfsg-2)
GNU R filter replicated high-throughput transcriptome sequencing data
r-bioc-hypergraph (1.70.0-1)
structures de données en hypergraphe pour BioConductor
r-bioc-ihw (1.26.0+dfsg-1)
GNU R independent hypothesis weighting
r-bioc-impute (1.72.3-1)
Imputation for microarray data
r-bioc-interactivedisplaybase (1.36.0+dfsg-1)
paquet de base pour des affichages web de Shiny d’objets de Bioconductor
r-bioc-ioniser (2.22.0+dfsg-1)
Quality Assessment Tools for Oxford Nanopore MinION data
r-bioc-iranges (2.32.0-1)
conteneurs de bas niveau de GNU R de stockage de plages d’entiers
r-bioc-isoformswitchanalyzer (1.20.0+ds-1)
Identify, Annotate and Visualize Alternative Splicing and
r-bioc-keggrest (1.38.0+dfsg-1)
GNU R client-side REST access to KEGG
r-bioc-limma (3.54.1+dfsg-1)
modèles linéaires pour des données de biopuce (microarray)
r-bioc-lpsymphony (1.26.3+dfsg-1)
Symphony integer linear programming solver in GNU R
r-bioc-makecdfenv (1.74.0-1)
création d’environnement CDF de Bioconductor
r-bioc-matrixgenerics (1.10.0-1)
S4 Generic Summary Statistic Functions that Operate on Matrix-Like Objects
r-bioc-megadepth (1.8.0+ds-1)
BioCOnductor BigWig and BAM related utilities
r-bioc-mergeomics (1.26.0-1)
Integrative network analysis of omics data
r-bioc-metagenomeseq (1.40.0-1)
GNU R statistical analysis for sparse high-throughput sequencing
r-bioc-metapod (1.6.0+dfsg-2)
méta-analyse avec GNU R de valeurs-p d’analyses différentielles
r-bioc-mofa (1.6.1+dfsg-10)
MOFA (Multi-Omics Factor Analysis)
r-bioc-monocle (2.26.0-2)
clustering, differential expression, and trajectory analysis for RNA-Seq
r-bioc-multiassayexperiment (1.24.0+dfsg-2)
Software for integrating multi-omics experiments in BioConductor
r-bioc-multtest (2.54.0-1)
test d’hypothèses multiples basé sur le ré-échantillonnage de Bioconductor
r-bioc-mutationalpatterns (3.8.1+dfsg-1)
GNU R comprehensive genome-wide analysis of mutational processes
r-bioc-nanostringqcpro (1.30.0-1)
processing and QA for NanoString mRNA expression data
r-bioc-netsam (1.38.0-1)
Network Seriation And Modularization
r-bioc-noiseq (2.42.0-1)
analyse exploratoire et expression différentielle pour des données de séquençage d’ARN
r-bioc-oligo (1.62.2+ds-1)
Preprocessing tools for oligonucleotide arrays
r-bioc-oligoclasses (1.60.0-1)
classes pour des tableaux de grande capacité gérés par oligo et crlmm (3.16.0-1)
genome-wide annotation for Human
r-bioc-organismdbi (1.40.0-1)
smooth interfacing of different database packages
r-bioc-pcamethods (1.90.0-1)
BioConductor collection of PCA methods
r-bioc-phyloseq (1.42.0+dfsg-1)
GNU R handling and analysis of high-throughput microbiome census data
r-bioc-preprocesscore (1.60.2+ds-1)
collection de fonctions de prétraitement de BioConductor
r-bioc-progeny (1.20.0+ds-1)
inférence de l’activité à partir de l’expression de gène
r-bioc-protgenerics (1.30.0-1)
S4 generic functions for Bioconductor proteomics infrastructure
r-bioc-purecn (2.4.0+dfsg-1)
copy number calling and SNV classification using targeted short read sequencing
r-bioc-pwmenrich (4.34.0-1)
PWM enrichment analysis
r-bioc-qtlizer (1.12.0+dfsg-1)
Comprehensive QTL annotation of GWAS results
r-bioc-qusage (2.32.0-1)
qusage: Quantitative Set Analysis for Gene Expression
r-bioc-qvalue (2.30.0-1)
paquet de GNU R pour une estimation de valeurs-q pour le contrôle FDR
r-bioc-rbgl (1.74.0+dfsg-1)
R interface to the graph algorithms contained in the BOOST library
r-bioc-rcpi (1.34.0+ds-1)
molecular informatics toolkit for compound-protein interaction
r-bioc-residualmatrix (1.8.0+dfsg-1)
Creating a DelayedMatrix of Regression Residuals
r-bioc-rgsepd (1.30.0-1)
GNU R gene set enrichment / projection displays
r-bioc-rhdf5 (2.42.0+dfsg-1)
BioConductor HDF5 interface to R
r-bioc-rhdf5filters (1.10.0+dfsg-1)
GNU R HDF5 compression filters
r-bioc-rhdf5lib (1.20.0+dfsg-1)
GNU R hdf5 library
r-bioc-rhtslib (2.0.0+dfsg-1)
HTSlib high-throughput sequencing library as GNU R package
r-bioc-rots (1.26.0-1)
GNU R Teproducibility-Optimized Test Statistic
r-bioc-rsamtools (2.14.0-1)
importation de fichiers BAM, BCF et tabix pour GNU R
r-bioc-rsubread (2.12.2-1)
Subread Sequence Alignment and Counting for R
r-bioc-rtracklayer (1.58.0-1)
GNU R interface to genome browsers and their annotation tracks
r-bioc-rwikipathways (1.18.0+dfsg-1)
GNU R client library for the WikiPathways API
r-bioc-s4vectors (0.36.1-1)
BioConductor S4 implementation of vectors and lists
r-bioc-savr (1.36.0-2)
analyse de fichiers SAV d’Illumina avec GNU R
r-bioc-scaledmatrix (1.6.0+dfsg-1)
creating a DelayedMatrix of scaled and centered values using GNU R
r-bioc-scater (1.26.1+ds-1)
Single-Cell Analysis Toolkit for Gene Expression Data in R
r-bioc-scran (1.26.2+dfsg-1)
méthodes de BioConductor pour l’analyse de données de séquençage d’ARN de cellule unique
r-bioc-scrnaseq (2.12.0+ds-1)
Collection of Public Single-Cell RNA-Seq Datasets
r-bioc-scuttle (1.8.4+dfsg-1)
BioConductor single-cell RNA-Seq analysis utilities
GNU R sequence logos for DNA sequence alignments
r-bioc-shortread (1.56.1-1)
GNU R classes and methods for high-throughput short-read sequencing data
r-bioc-singlecellexperiment (1.20.0+ds-1)
S4 Classes for Single Cell Data
r-bioc-singler (2.0.0+ds-1)
annotation de séquençage de l'ARN de cellule unique basée sur des références Bioconductor
r-bioc-snpstats (1.48.0+dfsg-1)
méthodes et les classes de SnpMatrix et XSnpMatrix de BioConductor
r-bioc-sparsematrixstats (1.10.0+dfsg-1)
BioConductor summary statistics for rows and columns of sparse matrices
r-bioc-stringdb (2.10.1-1)
Search Tool for the Retrieval of Interacting proteins database
r-bioc-structuralvariantannotation (1.13.0+ds-1)
Variant annotations for structural variants
r-bioc-summarizedexperiment (1.28.0+dfsg-1)
BioConductor assay container
r-bioc-sva (3.46.0-1)
GNU R Surrogate Variable Analysis
r-bioc-tcgabiolinks (2.25.3+dfsg-1)
paquet de GNU R/Bioconductor pour l’analyse intégrative avec des données du GDC (1.18.0+dfsg-1)
Data for the TCGAbiolinksGUI package
r-bioc-tfbstools (1.36.0+dfsg-2)
GNU R Transcription Factor Binding Site (TFBS) Analysis
r-bioc-titancna (1.36.0-1)
Subclonal copy number and LOH prediction from whole genome sequencing
r-bioc-tximeta (1.16.1+dfsg-1)
Transcript Quantification Import with Automatic Metadata
r-bioc-tximport (1.26.1+dfsg-1)
estimations au niveau transcription de séquences biologiques
r-bioc-tximportdata (1.26.0+ds-1)
quantificateurs d’abondance de transcriptions diverses avec GNU R
r-bioc-variantannotation (1.44.1-1)
BioConductor annotation of genetic variants
r-bioc-wrench (1.16.0+dfsg-1)
normalisation wrench de GNU R pour des données éparses de comptage
r-bioc-xvector (0.38.0-1)
BioConductor representation and manpulation of external sequences
r-bioc-zlibbioc (1.44.0+dfsg-1)
(Virtual) zlibbioc Bioconductor package
r-cran-abind (1.4-5-2)
Fonction abind de combinaison de tableaux multi-dimentionnels pour GNU R
r-cran-acepack (1.4.1-2+b5)
paquet GNU R pour les transformations de régression
r-cran-actuar (3.3-2-1)
fonctions actuarielles de GNU R et distributions à queue lourde
r-cran-ade4 (1.7-22-1)
GNU R analysis of ecological data
r-cran-adegenet (2.1.10-1)
GNU R exploratory analysis of genetic and genomic data
r-cran-adegraphics (1.0-17-1)
GNU R lattice-based package for the representation of multivariate data
r-cran-adephylo (1.1-13-1)
GNU R exploratory analyses for the phylogenetic comparative method
r-cran-admisc (0.30-1)
fonctions diverses de GNU R par Adrian Dusa
r-cran-aer (1.2-10-1)
Applied Econometrics with R
r-cran-afex (1.2-1-1)
GNU R package for analyzing factorial experiments using ANOVA or mixed models
r-cran-airr (1.4.1+dfsg-1)
GNU R AIRR data representation reference library
r-cran-amap (0.8-19-1)
Another Multidimensional Analysis Package
r-cran-amelia (1.8.1-1)
GNU R package supporting multiple imputation of missing data
r-cran-amore (0.2-16-2)
paquet plus flexible de réseau neuronal de GNU R
r-cran-animation (2.7+dfsg-1)
GNU R gallery of animations and utilities to create animations
r-cran-apcluster (1.4.10-1)
Affinity Propagation Clustering
r-cran-ape (5.7-1)
paquet de GNU R pour l’analyse de phylogénie et d’évolution
r-cran-aplpack (1.3.5-1)
Another Plot PACKage: stem.leaf, bagplot, faces, spin3R and others
r-cran-argparse (2.2.2+dfsg-1)
GNU R command line parser for optional and positional arguments
r-cran-argparser (0.7.1-1)
GNU R command-line argument parser
r-cran-arm (1.13-1-1)
analyse de données utilisant les modèles de régression multiniveaux/hiérarchiques
r-cran-arsenal (3.6.3-1)
arsenal of GNU R functions for large-scale statistical summaries
r-cran-askpass (1.1-2)
safe password entry for GNU R, Git, and SSH
r-cran-assertive.base (0.0-9-1)
GNU R lightweight core of the 'assertive' package
r-cran-assertive.sets (0.0-3-3)
GNU R assertions to check properties of sets
r-cran-assertthat (0.2.1-2)
GNU R easy pre and post assertions
r-cran-av (0.8.3+dfsg-1)
working with Audio and Video in GNU R
r-cran-aweek (1.0.3-1)
GNU R convert dates to arbitrary week definitions
r-cran-backports (1.4.1-1)
réimplémentation de fonctions introduites depuis R-3.0.0
r-cran-base64enc (0.1-3-3)
paquet d’outils de GNU R pour l’encodage base64
r-cran-base64url (1.4-2+b1)
GNU R fast and URL-safe Base64 encoder and decoder
r-cran-batchjobs (1.9-1)
GNU R batch computing
r-cran-batchtools (0.9.16+dfsg-1)
GNU R tools for computation on batch systems
r-cran-bayesfactor (0.9.12-4.4+dfsg-1)
GNU R Bayes factors for t-tests, ANOVAs and contingency tables
r-cran-bayesfm (0.1.5-1+b1)
GNU R Bayesian inference for factor modeling
r-cran-bayesm (3.1-5+dfsg-1)
paquet de GNU R pour l’inférence bayésienne
r-cran-bayesplot (1.10.0-4)
GNU R plotting for bayesian models
r-cran-bayestestr (0.13.0-1)
GNU R understand and describe Bayesian models and posterior distributions
r-cran-bbmisc (1.13-1)
fonctions d’aide diverses de GNU R pour B. Bischl
r-cran-bbmle (1.0.25-2)
GNU R tools for general maximum likelihood estimation
r-cran-bdgraph (2.72+dfsg-1)
GNU R bayesian structure learning in graphical models
r-cran-bdsmatrix (1.3-6-1)
GNU R routines for block diagonal symmetric matrices
r-cran-beeswarm (0.4.0-1+b1)
tracé de points « bee swarm », une alternative au tracé « stripchart »
r-cran-bench (1.1.2-1+b1)
High Precision Timing of R Expressions
r-cran-benchmarkme (1.0.8-1)
GNU R crowd sourced system benchmarks
r-cran-benchmarkmedata (1.0.4-2)
GNU R data set for the 'benchmarkme' package
r-cran-bh (1.74.0-2)
paquet (virtuel) de GNU R pour fournir BH
r-cran-biasedurn (2.0.9-1)
GNU R Biased Urn model distributions
r-cran-bibtex (0.5.1-1)
GNU R Bibtex Parser
r-cran-bigmemory (4.6.1-1)
Manage Massive Matrices with Shared Memory and Memory-Mapped Files
r-cran-bigmemory.sri (0.1.6-1)
Shared resource interface for Bigmemory Project packages
r-cran-bindr (0.1.1-3)
Parametrized Active Bindings for GNU R
r-cran-bindrcpp (0.2.2-3)
GNU R 'Rcpp' Interface to Active Bindings
r-cran-bio3d (2.4-4-1)
paquet GNU R pour l'analyse de structures biologiques
r-cran-biocmanager (1.30.20+dfsg-1)
accès au dépôt de paquets du projet Bioconductor
r-cran-bios2cor (2.2.1-1)
GNU R from Biological Sequences and Simulations to Correlation
r-cran-bit (4.0.5-1)
GNU R class for vectors of 1-bit booleans
r-cran-bit64 (4.0.5-1)
GNU R S3 Class for Vectors of 64bit Integers
r-cran-bitops (1.0-7-1)
paquet de GNU R pour des opérations bit à bit
r-cran-biwt (1.0.1-1)
biweight mean vector and covariance and correlation
r-cran-blme (1.0-5-1)
modèles mixtes linéaires bayésiens pour GNU R
r-cran-blob (1.2.3-1)
classe S3 de GNU R pour représenter des vecteurs de données binaires (« BLOB »)
r-cran-blockmodeling (1.1.4-1)
Generalized and classical blockmodeling of valued networks
r-cran-bms (0.3.5-1)
GNU R package for Bayesian model averaging for linear models
r-cran-bold (1.2.0-2)
GNU R interface to Bold Systems for genetic barcode data
r-cran-bookdown (0.32+dfsg-1)
authoring books and technical documents with GNU R markdown
r-cran-boolnet (2.1.7-1)
assembling, analyzing and visualizing Boolean networks
r-cran-boot (1.3-28.1-1)
paquet de GNU R pour des fonctions de « bootstrapping » de Davison et Hinkley
r-cran-bradleyterry2 (1.1-2-2)
paquet de GNU R pour utiliser les modèles de Bradley-Terry
r-cran-brew (1.0-8-1)
GNU R templating framework for report generation
r-cran-brglm (0.7.2-1+b1)
GNU R package for bias reduction in binomial-response GLMs
r-cran-brglm2 (0.9+dfsg-1)
réduction de biais pour GNU R dans les modèles linéaires généralisés
r-cran-bridgesampling (1.1-2-1)
GNU R bridge sampling for marginal likelihoods and Bayes factors
r-cran-brio (1.1.3-1+b1)
basic R input output
r-cran-brms (2.18.0-1)
GNU R Bayesian regression models using 'Stan'
r-cran-brobdingnag (1.2-9-1)
Very Large Numbers in R
r-cran-broom (1.0.3+dfsg-2)
convert statistical analysis objects into tidy data frames with GNU R
r-cran-broom.mixed (
GNU R tidying methods for mixed models
r-cran-bslib (0.4.2+dfsg-1)
custom 'bootstrap' 'Sass' themes for GNU R shiny and rmarkdown
r-cran-ca (0.71.1-2)
GNU R package for simple, multiple and joint correspondence analysis
r-cran-cachem (1.0.7-1)
cache GNU R objects with automatic pruning
r-cran-caic4 (1.0-1)
GNU R conditional Akaike information criterion for 'lme4'
r-cran-cairo (1.6-0-1)
GNU R graphics device using cairo graphics library
r-cran-calibrate (1.7.7-1)
Calibration of Scatterplot and Biplot Axes
r-cran-calibratr (0.1.2-2)
GNU R mapping ML scores to calibrated predictions
r-cran-callr (3.7.3-2)
Call GNU R from GNU R
r-cran-car (3.1-1-1)
compagnon de GNU R pour l’application des régressions de John Fox
r-cran-cardata (3.0.5-1)
GNU R package for datasets for Companion to Applied Regression
r-cran-caret (6.0-93+dfsg-1)
GNU R package for classification and regression training
r-cran-catools (1.18.2-1+b1)
GNU R package providing various utility functions
r-cran-cba (0.2-23-1)
GNU R clustering for business analytics
r-cran-cellranger (1.1.0-3)
GNU R package to map spreadsheet cell ranges to rows and columns
r-cran-cgdsr (1.3.0-2)
IPA de GNU R pour le serveur MSKCC de données génomiques de cancer (CGDS)
r-cran-checkmate (2.1.0-1)
vérifications rapides et polyvalentes d’arguments pour GNU R
r-cran-chron (2.3-59-1)
paquet de GNU R pour des objets ordonnés de manière chronologique
r-cran-circlize (0.4.15-1)
Circular Visualization
r-cran-circular (0.4-95-1)
statistiques circulaires avec GNU R
r-cran-class (7.3-21-1)
paquet de GNU R à propos de classification
r-cran-classint (0.4-9+dfsg-1)
choix d’intervalles de classe univariée avec GNU R
r-cran-cli (3.6.0-1)
GNU R helpers for developing command line interfaces
r-cran-cliapp (0.1.1-1)
create rich command line applications in GNU R
r-cran-clipr (0.8.0-1)
Read and Write from the System Clipboard
r-cran-clisymbols (1.2.0-2)
Unicode Symbols at the R Prompt
r-cran-clock (0.6.1-2)
GNU R date-time types and tools
r-cran-clubsandwich (0.5.8-1)
GNU R cluster-robust (Sandwich) variance estimators with small-sample
r-cran-clue (0.3-64-1)
GNU R cluster ensembles
r-cran-cluster (2.1.4-1)
paquet GNU R pour l'analyse de grappe, écrit par Rousseeuw et al.
r-cran-clustergeneration (1.3.7-1)
GNU R random cluster generation (with specified degree of separation)
r-cran-cmdfun (1.0.2-2)
GNI R framework for building interfaces to shell commands
r-cran-cmprsk (2.2-11-1)
GNU R subdistribution analysis of competing risks
r-cran-cmstatr (0.9.1-1)
méthodes statistiques de GNU R pour les données des matériaux composites
r-cran-coarsedatatools (0.6-6+dfsg-1)
GNU R analysis of coarsely observed data
r-cran-coda (0.19-4-1)
analyses et diagnostics de sorties de simulations MCMC dans R
r-cran-codetools (0.2-19-1)
paquet de GNU R fournissant des outils d’analyse de code
r-cran-coin (1.4-2-1+b1)
GNU R package providing conditional inference procedures
r-cran-collapse (1.9.2-1)
GNU R advanced and fast data transformation
r-cran-colorspace (2.1-0+dfsg-1)
GNU R Color Space Manipulation
r-cran-colourpicker (1.2.0+dfsg-1)
GNU R colour picker tool for selecting colours in plots
r-cran-combinat (0.0-8-7)
GNU R package with utilities for combinatorics
r-cran-commonmark (1.8.1-1)
high performance CommonMark and Github markdown rendering in R
r-cran-conditionz (0.1.0-2)
control how many times conditions are thrown for GNU R
r-cran-conquer (1.3.2-1)
GNU R package for convolution-type smoothed quantile regression
r-cran-contfrac (1.1-12-2)
GNU R package providing various utilities for evaluating continued fractions
r-cran-conting (1.7-2)
GNU R package for Bayesian analysis of contingency tables
r-cran-corpcor (1.6.10-1)
GNU R for Estimation of Covariance and Correlation -- corpcor
r-cran-corrplot (0.92-1)
visualisation d’une matrice de corrélation
r-cran-covid19us (0.1.9-1)
cases of COVID-19 in the United States prepared for GNU R
r-cran-covr (3.6.1+dfsg-1)
test coverage for GNU R packages
r-cran-cowplot (1.1.1+dfsg-1)
GNU R streamlined plot theme and plot annotations for 'ggplot2'
r-cran-cpp11 (0.4.3-1)
C++11 interface for GNU R's C interface
r-cran-crayon (1.5.2-1)
GNU R colored terminal output
r-cran-credentials (1.3.2-1)
GNU R tools for managing SSH and Git credentials
r-cran-crosstalk (1.2.0+dfsg-1)
GNU R inter-widget interactivity for HTML widgets
r-cran-crul (1.3+dfsg-1)
simple HTTP Client for GNU R
r-cran-ctmcd (1.4.2-1)
évaluation avec GNU R des paramètres d’un processus de Markov à temps continu
r-cran-cubature (
paquet de GNU R pour l’intégration adaptative multivariable
r-cran-cubelyr (1.0.2-1)
GNU R data cube 'dplyr' backend
r-cran-curl (5.0.0+dfsg-1)
GNU R modern and flexible web client for R
r-cran-cutpointr (1.1.2-1)
GNU R determine and evaluate optimal cutpoints in binary
r-cran-cvar (0.5-2)
GNU R package to Computed Expected Shortfall and Value at Risk
r-cran-cvst (0.2-3-1)
GNU R fast cross-validation via sequential testing
r-cran-cyclocomp (1.1.0-2)
Cyclomatic Complexity of R Code
r-cran-d3network (
GNU R tools for creating D3 JavaScript network, tree, dendrogram etc.
r-cran-data.table (1.14.8+dfsg-1)
GNU R extension of Data.frame
r-cran-datawizard (0.6.5+dfsg-1)
GNU R easy data wrangling
r-cran-date (1.2.42-1)
paquet de GNU R pour la gestion des dates
r-cran-dbi (1.1.3-1)
paquet de GNU R fournissant une interface généraliste de base de données
r-cran-dbitest (1.7.3-1)
GNU R testing 'DBI' back ends
r-cran-dbplyr (2.3.0+dfsg-1)
GNU R dplyr back end for databases
r-cran-dbscan (1.1-11+ds-1)
Density Based Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN)
r-cran-ddalpha (1.3.13-1)
GNU R depth-based classification and calculation of data depth
r-cran-ddrtree (0.1.5-2)
étude à l’aide de GNU R de graphes principaux avec DDRTree
r-cran-deal (1:1.2-42-1)
Learning Bayesian Networks with Mixed Variables
r-cran-decor (1.0.1-1+b1)
GNU R retrieve code decorations
r-cran-deldir (1.0-6-1+b1)
GNU R Delaunay Triangulation and Dirichlet (Voronoi) Tessellation
r-cran-dendextend (1.16.0+dfsg-1)
Extending 'dendrogram' Functionality in GNU R
r-cran-dendsort (0.3.4+dfsg-2)
méthodes modulaire de GNU R de réarrangement de feuilles pour des nœuds de dendrogramme
r-cran-densityclust (0.3.2-1)
GNU R clustering by fast search and find of density peaks
r-cran-deoptim (2.2-8-1)
GNU R global optimization by differential evolution
r-cran-deoptimr (1.0-11-1)
GNU R package for Diffential Evolution in pure R
r-cran-desc (1.4.2-1)
GNU R manipulation of DESCRIPTION files
r-cran-desolve (1.34-1)
GNU R package providing functions that solve initial value problems
r-cran-devtools (2.4.5-1)
Tools to Make Developing R Packages Easier
r-cran-dfoptim (2020.10-1-1)
GNU R derivative-free optimization
r-cran-diagnosismed (0.2.3-7)
ensemble d'outils pour diagnostic médical et tests de santé
r-cran-dichromat (1:2.0-0.1-1)
schémas de couleurs de GNU R pour les dichromates
r-cran-diffobj (0.3.5-1+b1)
diffs for GNU R objects
r-cran-digest (0.6.31-1)
GNU R package for 'hash digest' of R data structures
r-cran-dimred (0.2.6-1)
cadriciel de GNU R pour la réduction de la dimensionnalité
r-cran-diptest (0.76-0-1+b1)
Hartigan's Dip Test Statistic for Unimodality - Corrected
r-cran-dirmult (0.1.3-5-1)
GNU R estimation in Dirichlet-Multinomial distribution
r-cran-discriminer (0.1-29-3)
GNU R tools of the trade for discriminant analysis
r-cran-distory (1.4.4-1+b1)
GNU R distance between phylogenetic histories
r-cran-distr (2.9.1+dfsg-1)
GNU R object oriented implementation of distributions
r-cran-distributional (0.3.1-1)
GNU R vectorised probability distributions
r-cran-docopt (0.7.1-2)
GNU R command-line interface specification language
r-cran-domc (1.3.8-1)
GNU R parallel excution backend for %dopar% using multicore
r-cran-doparallel (1.0.17-1)
GNU R foreach parallel adaptor for the parallel package
r-cran-dorng (1.8.6-1)
GNU R generic reproducible parallel backend for 'foreach' loops
r-cran-dosefinding (1.0-3-1)
Planning and Analyzing Dose Finding experiments
r-cran-dosnow (1.0.20-1)
GNU R parallel excution backend for %dopar% using snow
r-cran-dotcall64 (1.0-2-1)
Enhanced Foreign Function Interface Supporting Long Vectors
r-cran-downlit (0.4.2-1)
GNU R syntax highlighting and automatic linking
r-cran-downloader (0.4-4)
paquet de GNU R pour le téléchargement de fichiers par HTTP et HTTPS
r-cran-dplyr (1.0.10-1)
GNU R grammar of data manipulation
r-cran-dqrng (0.3.0+dfsg-1+b1)
GNU R fast pseudo random number generators
r-cran-drr (0.0.4-2)
réduction de dimensions avec GNU R à l’aide de regression
r-cran-dslabs (0.7.4-1)
GNU R Data Science Labs
r-cran-dt (0.27+dfsg-1)
GNU R wrapper of the JavaScript library 'DataTables'
r-cran-dtplyr (1.2.2-1)
dorsal de GNU R de table de donnée pour « dplyr »
r-cran-dygraphs (
GNU R interface to 'Dygraphs' interactive time series charting library
r-cran-dynamictreecut (1.63-1-3)
méthodes pour la détection de regroupements pour le regroupement hiérarchique
r-cran-dynlm (0.3.6-2)
paquet de GNU R pour les modèles linéaires dynamiques et la régression de séries temporelles
r-cran-e1071 (1.7-13-1)
paquet de GNU R avec diverses fonctions du Dép. de statistiques (e1071)
r-cran-eaf (2.4-1)
tracés avec GNU R de la fonction de répartition empirique
r-cran-earth (5.3.2-1)
GNU R multivariate adaptive regression splines
r-cran-eco (4.0-3-1)
GNU R routines for Bayesian ecological inference
r-cran-ecodist (2.0.9-1)
GNU R package for dissimilarity-based ecological analysis
r-cran-ecosolver (0.5.4-3)
Embedded Conic Solver in R
r-cran-effects (4.2.2-1)
affichage d’effets graphiques et tabulaires avec GNU R pour les modèles MLG
r-cran-effectsize (0.8.3+dfsg-1)
GNU R indices of effect size and standardized parameters
r-cran-egg (0.4.5-3)
extensions de GNU R pour ggplot2 : geom et thèmes personnalisés, tracé
r-cran-ei (1.3-3-3)
GNU R ecological inference
r-cran-eipack (0.2-2-1)
GNU R ecological inference and higher-dimension data management
r-cran-ellipse (0.4.3-1)
GNU R functions for drawing ellipses and ellipse-like confidence regions
r-cran-ellipsis (0.3.2-2)
GNU R package for working with ... (variable arguments)
r-cran-elliptic (1.4-0-2)
GNU R package providing elliptic and related functions
r-cran-emayili (0.7.13-1)
Send email messages via GNU R
r-cran-emdbook (1.3.12+ds-2)
Support Functions and Data for "Ecological Models and Data"
r-cran-emmeans (1.8.4-1+dfsg-1)
GNU R estimated marginal means, aka least-squares means
r-cran-emoa (0.5-0.1-1+b1)
GNU R evolutionary multiobjective optimization algorithms
r-cran-energy (1.7-11-1)
paquet de GNU R pour des statistiques d’énergie pour la comparaison de distribution
r-cran-enrichwith (0.3.1+dfsg-2)
GNU R methods to enrich R Objects with extra components
r-cran-epi (2.47-1)
analyse épidémiologique GNU R
r-cran-epibasix (1.5-2)
fonctions élémentaires d’épidémiologie de GNU R
r-cran-epicalc (
calculs épidémiologiques avec GNU R
r-cran-epiestim (2.2-4+dfsg-1)
GNU R estimate time varying reproduction numbers from rpidemic curves
r-cran-epir (2.0.57+dfsg-1)
fonctions de GNU R pour l’analyse de données épidémiologiques
r-cran-epitools (1:0.5-10.1-2)
outils GNU R d’épidémiologie pour les données et graphiques
r-cran-erm (1.0-2-1+b1)
GNU R package for 'extended Rasch modelling'
r-cran-estimability (1.4.1-1)
GNU R package providing tools for determining estimability of linear functions
r-cran-estimatr (1.0.0-3)
GNU R fast estimators for design-based inference
r-cran-etm (1.1.1-1)
GNU R empirical transition matrix
r-cran-evaluate (0.20-1)
GNU R parsing and evaluation tools
r-cran-evd (2.3-6.1-1)
GNU R Functions for extreme value distributions
r-cran-exactranktests (0.8-35-1)
GNU R exact distributions for rank and permutation tests
r-cran-expint (0.1-8-1)
GNU R exponential integral and incomplete Gamma function
r-cran-expm (0.999-7-1)
GNU R Computation of the matrix exponential and related quantities
r-cran-extradistr (1.9.1-1)
additional univariate and multivariate distributions for GNU R
r-cran-factoextra (1.0.7-2)
GNU R extract and visualize multivariate data analyses
r-cran-factominer (2.7-1)
Multivariate Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Mining
r-cran-fail (1.3-4)
GNU R File Abstraction Interface Layer (FAIL) imitant un stockage clé-valeur
r-cran-fancova (0.6-1-2)
GNU R nonparametric analysis of covariance
r-cran-fansi (1.0.4-1)
GNU R ANSI control sequence aware string functions
r-cran-farver (2.1.1-1)
GNU R high performance colour space manipulation
r-cran-fassets (3042.84-1+b2)
paquet de GNU R pour l’ingénierie financière – fAssets
r-cran-fastcluster (1.2.3-2)
Fast hierarchical clustering routines for GNU R
r-cran-fastica (1.2-3-1+b1)
paquet de GNU R pour ICA et la poursuite de projection
r-cran-fastmap (1.1.1-1)
GNU R fast implementation of a key-value store
r-cran-fastmatch (1.1-3-1+b1)
GNU R package for fast match replacement for repeated look-ups
r-cran-fauxpas (0.5.0+dfsg-2)
GNU R HTTP error helpers
r-cran-fbasics (4021.93-1)
paquet de GNU R pour l’ingénierie financière – fBasics
r-cran-fbonds (3042.78-4)
GNU R package for financial engineering -- fBonds
r-cran-fcopulae (4022.85-1)
paquet GNU R d'ingénierie financière –⋅fCopulae
r-cran-fdrtool (1.2.17-1+b1)
GNU R estimation of false discovery dates and higher criticism
r-cran-fextremes (4021.83-1)
paquet de GNU R d'ingénierie financière – fExtremes
r-cran-ff (4.0.9+ds-1)
Memory-Efficient Fast-Access Storage of Large Data
r-cran-ffield (0.1.0-3)
simulation de champ de force pour un ensemble de points
r-cran-fftw (1.0-7-1)
GNU R fast FFT and DCT Based on the FFTW Library
r-cran-fgarch (4022.89-1)
paquet de GNU R pour le génie financier
r-cran-fields (14.1-1)
outils de GNU R pour les données spatiales
r-cran-filehash (2.4-5-1)
GNU R simple key-value database
r-cran-filelock (1.0.2-2)
portable file locking for GNU R
r-cran-fimport (4021.86-1)
paquet de GNU R pour l’ingénierie financière – fImport
r-cran-findpython (1.0.7-1)
GNU R functions to find an acceptable Python binary
r-cran-fingerprint (3.5.7-2+b1)
GNU R functions to operate on binary fingerprint data
r-cran-fit.models (0.64-1)
Compare Fitted Models
r-cran-fitbitscraper (0.1.8-6)
importer vos données Fitbit à partir du site Internet de Fitbit en R
r-cran-fitcoach (1.0-4)
R package for analysis and retrieve data of Fitbit
r-cran-fitdistrplus (1.1-8-1)
support fit of parametric distribution
r-cran-flashclust (1.01-2-3)
Implementation of optimal hierarchical clustering
r-cran-flexmix (2.3-18-1)
GNU R flexible mixture modeling
r-cran-flextable (0.8.4-1)
GNU R functions for tabular reporting
r-cran-fmultivar (4021.83-1)
paquet de GNU R pour l’ingénierie financière – fMultivar
r-cran-fnn (
GNU R fast nearest neighbor search algorithms and applications
r-cran-fnonlinear (4021.81-1)
paquet de GNU R d'ingénierie financière – fNonlinear
r-cran-fontawesome (0.5.0-1)
GNU R support of 'Font Awesome' Icons
r-cran-fontbitstreamvera (0.1.1+dfsg-4)
GNU R fonts with 'Bitstream Vera Fonts' license
r-cran-fontliberation (0.1.0+dfsg-4)
Liberation Fonts for GNU R
r-cran-fontquiver (0.2.1-3)
set of installed fonts for GNU R
r-cran-forcats (1.0.0-1)
GNU R package for working with categorical variables (factors)
r-cran-foreach (1.5.2-1)
GNU R foreach looping support
r-cran-forecast (8.20-1)
GNU R forecasting functions for time series and linear models
r-cran-foreign (0.8.84-1)
paquet GNU R pour lire/écrire des données issues d'autres systèmes de stats
r-cran-formatr (1.14-1)
Format R code automatically
r-cran-formattable (0.2.1+dfsg-1)
GNU R create 'formattable' data structures
r-cran-formula (1.2-4-1)
GNU R package for extended model formulas
r-cran-fpc (2.2-10-1)
GNU R flexible procedures for clustering
r-cran-fportfolio (3042.83.1-1+b1)
paquet de GNU R pour l’ingénierie financière – fPortfolio
r-cran-fracdiff (1.5-2-1)
GNU R fractionally differenced ARIMA aka ARFIMA(p,d,q) models
r-cran-freetypeharfbuzz (0.2.6+dfsg-2)
GNU R deterministic computation of text box metrics
r-cran-fregression (4021.83-1)
GNU R package for financial engineering -- fRegression
r-cran-fs (1.6.1+dfsg-1)
GNU R cross-platform file system operations
r-cran-ftrading (3042.79-3)
paquet de GNU R pour l’ingénierie financière – fTrading
r-cran-fts (
GNU R interface to tslib
r-cran-funitroots (4021.80-1)
paquet de GNU R d'ingénierie financière – fUnitRoots
r-cran-furrr (0.3.1-1)
GNU R apply mapping functions in parallel using futures
r-cran-futile.logger (1.4.3-4)
logging utility for GNU R
r-cran-futile.options (1.0.1-3)
futile, gestion d’options de GNU R
r-cran-future (1.31.0+dfsg-1)
R package: A Future API for R
r-cran-future.apply (1.10.0+dfsg-1)
apply function to elements in parallel using futures
r-cran-future.batchtools (0.12.0+dfsg-1)
Future API for Parallel and Distributed Processing (2.4-4)
Paquet GNU R pour des données en attente
r-cran-gam (1.22-1-1)
modèle additif généralisé (GAM) pour R
r-cran-gamm4 (0.2-6-2)
modèles mixtes additifs généralisés de GNU R utilisant « mgcv » et « lme4 »
r-cran-gargle (1.3.0-1)
GNU R utilities for working with Google APIs
r-cran-gb2 (2.1.1-1)
GNU R generalized beta distribution of the second kind
r-cran-gbm (
GNU R package providing Generalized Boosted Regression Models
r-cran-gbrd (0.4-11-2)
GNU R utilities for processing Rd objects and files
r-cran-gbutils (0.5-3)
GNU R package for Utilities for Simulation, Plots, And More
r-cran-gclus (1.3.2-2)
GNU R clustering graphics
r-cran-gdata (
paquet GNU R d'outils de manipulation de données, par Greg Warnes et al.
r-cran-gdtools (0.2.4-1)
GNU R utilities for graphical rendering
r-cran-gee (4.13-25-1)
Generalized Estimation Equation Solver
r-cran-geepack (1.3.9-1)
Generalized Estimating Equation Package for R
r-cran-genabel (1.8-0-6)
GNU R package for genome-wide SNP association analysis (1.0.0-4)
data package for genome-wide SNP association analysis
r-cran-generics (0.1.3-1)
GNU R common S3 generics not provided by base R methods
r-cran-genetics (
paquet de GNU R pour la génétique des populations
r-cran-genie (1.0.5-2)
GNU R fast, robust, and outlier resistant hierarchical clustering
r-cran-genieclust (1.1.3-1)
GNU R Genie++ Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm with Noise Points Detection
r-cran-genoplotr (0.8.11+dfsg-2)
Plot Publication-Grade Gene and Genome Maps
r-cran-geoknife (1.6.10+dfsg-1)
GNU R web-processing of large gridded datasets
r-cran-geometry (0.4.7-1)
GNU R mesh generation and surface tesselation
r-cran-geosphere (1.5-18-1)
GNU R Spherical Trigonometry
r-cran-gert (1.9.2+dfsg-1)
simple git client for GNU R
r-cran-getopt (1.20.3-3)
GNU R package providing command-line parsing functionality
r-cran-getoptlong (1.0.5+dfsg-1)
GNU R parsing command-Line arguments and variable interpolation
r-cran-ggalluvial (0.12.5-2)
diagrammes alluviaux de GNU R dans ggplot2
r-cran-ggally (2.1.2-1)
GNU R extension to r-cran-ggplot2
r-cran-gganimate (1.0.8-1)
GNU R grammar of animated graphics
r-cran-ggbeeswarm (0.7.1-1)
tracé (diagramme en violon) de dispersion de points par catégorie avec GNU R
r-cran-ggdendro (0.1.23+dfsg-1)
GNU R create dendrograms and tree diagrams using 'ggplot2'
r-cran-ggeffects (1.2.0+dfsg-1)
GNU R create tidy data frames of marginal effects for 'ggplot'
r-cran-ggforce (0.4.1-1)
accelerating GNU R ggplot2
r-cran-ggfortify (0.4.15+dfsg-1)
GNU R data visualization tools for statistical analysis results
r-cran-ggm (2.5-2)
GNU R functions for graphical Markov models
r-cran-ggplot.multistats (1.0.0-2)
GNU R multiple summary statistics for binned stats/geometries
r-cran-ggplot2 (3.4.1+dfsg-1)
implementation of the Grammar of Graphics
r-cran-ggpubr (0.6.0-1)
tracés de GNU R, prêts à la publication et basés sur ggplot2
r-cran-ggraph (2.1.0+dfsg-1)
implémentation de GNU R de la grammaire de graphiques pour des graphes et des réseaux
r-cran-ggrastr (1.0.1-2)
Bioconductor rasterize layers for 'ggplot2'
r-cran-ggrepel (0.9.3-1)
auto-position non-overlapping text labels in plots
r-cran-ggridges (0.5.4-1)
Ridgeline Plots in 'ggplot2'
r-cran-ggsci (2.9-3)
Scientific Journal and Sci-Fi Themed Color Palettes
GNU R ggplot2 extension for publication-ready sequence logos
r-cran-ggsignif (0.6.4-1)
GNU R significance brackets for ggplot2
r-cran-ggtext (0.1.2-1)
amélioration de la prise en charge de texte pour « ggplot2 »
r-cran-ggthemes (4.2.4-1)
extra themes, scales and geoms for r-cran-ggplot2
r-cran-ggvis (0.4.7+dfsg-2)
GNU R interactive grammar of graphics
r-cran-gh (1.4.0-1)
GNU R Minimal client to access the 'GitHub' 'API'
r-cran-git2r (0.31.0+dfsg-1)
GNU R access to Git repositories
r-cran-gitcreds (0.1.2-1)
query 'git' credentials from GNU R
r-cran-glasso (1.11-1+b1)
GNU R graphical lasso: estimation of Gaussian graphical models
r-cran-glmmtmb (1.1.5+dfsg-4)
Generalized Linear Mixed Models using Template Model Builder
r-cran-glmnet (4.1-6-1)
Lasso and Elastic-Net Regularized Generalized Linear Models
r-cran-globaloptions (0.1.2-1)
Generate Functions to Get or Set Global Options
r-cran-globals (0.16.2-1)
R package: Identify Global Objects in R Expressions
r-cran-glue (1.6.2-1)
GNU R interpreted string literals
r-cran-gmaps (0.2-5)
GNU R support for producing geographic maps with grid graphics
r-cran-gmm (1.7-1)
GNU R generalized method of moments and generalized empirical likelihood
r-cran-gmodels (
paquet GNU R contenant des outils pour l'ajustement de modèles, écrit par Greg Warnes et al.
r-cran-gmp (0.7-1-1)
Multiple Precision Arithmetic
r-cran-gnm (1.1-2-1)
paquet de GNU R pour des modèles non linéaires généralisés
r-cran-goftest (1.2-3-1+b1)
GNU R Classical Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Univariate Distributions
r-cran-googledrive (2.0.0-2)
GNU R interface to Google Drive
r-cran-googlesheets4 (1.0.1-1)
GNU R access Google sheets using the sheets API V4
r-cran-googlevis (0.7.0+dfsg-1)
GNU R Interface to Google Charts
r-cran-goplot (1.0.2-2)
GNU R visualization of functional analysis data
r-cran-gower (1.0.1-1)
similarité de Gower avec GNU R
r-cran-gparotation (2022.10-2-1)
rotation de facteurs pour la GPA avec GNU R
r-cran-gplots (3.1.3-1)
paquet de GNU R d’outils de tracé de données de Greg Warnes et autres
r-cran-gprofiler2 (0.2.1+dfsg-1)
Interface to the 'g:Profiler' Toolset
r-cran-graphlayouts (0.8.4-1)
GNU R additional layout algorithms for network visualizations
r-cran-gregmisc (2.1.5-4)
paquet de GNU.R composé de diverses fonctions de Greg Warnes et al.
r-cran-gridbase (0.4-7-5)
GNU R Integration of base and grid graphics
r-cran-gridextra (2.3-3)
GNU R package with extensions for the grid package
r-cran-gridgraphics (0.5-1-1)
transformation de graphismes basée sur GNU R en utilisant des graphismes de « grid »
r-cran-gridsvg (1.7-4-1)
GNU R export 'grid' graphics as SVG
r-cran-gridtext (0.1.5-1)
GNU R improved text rendering support for 'Grid' graphics
r-cran-grimport2 (0.2-0-3)
GNU R importing 'SVG' graphics
r-cran-gsa (1.03.2-1)
analyse d’ensembles de gènes avec GNU R
r-cran-gsl (2.1-8-1)
enveloppe de R pour la GNU Scientific Library
r-cran-gss (2.2-3-2)
GNU R package for multivariate estimation using smoothing splines
r-cran-gstat (2.1-0-1)
modélisation spatiale et spatio-temporelle de GNU R pour la géostatistique
r-cran-gsubfn (0.7-2)
GNU R utilities for strings and function arguments
r-cran-gtable (0.3.1+dfsg-1)
Arrange grobs in tables
r-cran-gtools (3.9.4-1)
paquet GNU R avec des outils de programmation en R par Greg Warnes et al.
r-cran-guerry (1.8.0-1)
maps, data and methods related to Guerry moral statistics
r-cran-gunifrac (1.7+dfsg-1)
distances UniFrac généralisées
r-cran-gwidgets (0.0-54.2-2)
gWidgets API for Toolkit-Independent, Interactive GUIs
r-cran-gwidgetstcltk (0.0-55.1-3)
Toolkit implementation of gWidgets for tcltk package
r-cran-haplo.stats (1.9.3-1)
paquet de GNU R pour l’analyse d’haplotypes
r-cran-hardhat (1.2.0+dfsg-1)
construction de paquets de modélisation avec GNU R
r-cran-hash (
GNU R full feature implementation of hash/associated arrays/dictionaries
r-cran-haven (2.5.1-1)
GNU R package to import/export SPSS, Stata and SAS files
r-cran-hdf5r (1.3.8+dfsg-1)
GNU R interface to the 'HDF5' binary data format
r-cran-heatmaply (1.4.2+dfsg-1)
cartes de fréquentation interactives pour GNU R utilisant plotly
r-cran-here (1.0.1-2)
GNU R simpler way to find files
r-cran-hexbin (1.28.2-1)
GNU R hexagonal binning routines
r-cran-highr (0.10+dfsg-1)
Syntax Highlighting for R Source Code
r-cran-hmisc (4.8-0-1)
fonctions diverses de GNU R créées par Franck Harell
r-cran-hms (1.1.2-1)
GNU R pretty time of day
r-cran-hsaur3 (1.0-13-1)
Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R (3rd Edition)
r-cran-htmltable (2.4.1-1)
GNU R package for advanced html tables
r-cran-htmltools (0.5.4-1)
GNU R tools for HTML
r-cran-htmlwidgets (1.6.1+dfsg-1)
GNU R HTML Widgets
r-cran-httpcode (0.3.0-2)
GNU R HTTP Status Code Helper
r-cran-httpuv (1.6.9+dfsg-1)
GNU R package of HTTP and WebSocket Server Library
r-cran-httr (1.4.5+dfsg-1)
GNU R tools for working with URLs and HTTP
r-cran-httr2 (0.2.2-2)
requêtes HTTP et traitement des réponses dans GNU R
r-cran-huge (1.3.5-1+b1)
GNU R high-dimensional undirected graph estimation
r-cran-hunspell (3.0.2+dfsg-1)
GNU R support for high-performance stemmer, tokenizer, and spell checker
r-cran-hwriter (
éditeur HTML – production d’objets de R au format HTML
r-cran-hypergeo (1.2-13-4)
GNU R package providing the Gaussian hypergeometric for complex numbers
r-cran-ica (1.0-3-1)
Independent Component Analysis
r-cran-ids (1.0.1-2)
generate random identifiers with GNU R
r-cran-igraph (1.3.5-3)
analyse et visualisation de réseau avec GNU R
r-cran-incidence (1.7.3-1)
GNU R compute, handle, plot and model incidence of dated events
r-cran-ini (0.3.1-2)
Read and Write '.ini' Files
r-cran-inline (0.3.19-2)
paquet de GNU R pour « inline » des fonctions de C, C++ et Fortran à partir de R
r-cran-insight (0.19.0+dfsg-1)
GNU R easy access to model information for various model objects
r-cran-interp (1.1-3-1)
méthodes d’interpolation de GNU R
r-cran-intervals (0.15.2-1+b1)
GNU R tools for working with points and intervals
r-cran-inum (1.0-4-1)
représentation avec GNU R d’intervalle et de type énuméré de vecteurs
r-cran-ipred (0.9-13-1)
GNU R improved predictors
r-cran-irace (3.5-1)
approche itérative avec GNU R pour la configuration automatique d’algorithme
r-cran-irdisplay (1.1-1)
riche bibliothèque d’affichage pour le noyau R de Jupyter
r-cran-irkernel (1.3.2-1)
noyau R natif pour Jupyter Notebook
r-cran-irlba (
GNU R fast truncated SVD, PCA and symmetric eigendecomposition
r-cran-iso (0.0-18.1-1)
GNU R functions to perform isotonic regression
r-cran-isoband (0.2.7-1)
Generate Isolines and Isobands from Regularly Spaced Elevation
r-cran-isocodes (2022.09.29-1)
GNU R package providing tables for several ISO codes
r-cran-isospecr (2.1.3-1)
GNU R IsoSpec Algorithm
r-cran-isoweek (0.6-2-3)
GNU R week of the year and weekday according to ISO 8601
r-cran-iterators (1.0.14-1)
GNU R iterator support for vectors, lists and other containers
r-cran-itertools (0.1-3-3)
outils pour itérateurs
r-cran-janeaustenr (1.0.0-1)
Jane Austen's complete novels for GNU R
r-cran-jinjar (0.3.0+dfsg-1)
GNU R template engine inspired by 'Jinja'
r-cran-jomo (2.7-4-1)
GNU R multilevel joint modelling multiple imputation
r-cran-jpeg (0.1-10-1)
lecture et écriture d’images JPEG
r-cran-jquerylib (0.1.4+dfsg-4)
obtain 'jQuery' as an HTML dependency object in GNU R
r-cran-jrc (0.5.1-1)
Exchange Commands Between R and 'JavaScript'
r-cran-jsonld (2.2+dfsg-1)
GNU R JSON for linking data
r-cran-jsonlite (1.8.4+dfsg-1)
Robust, High Performance JSON Parser and Generator for R
r-cran-kaos (0.1.2-2)
encodage de séquence basé sur le Chaos de matrice de fréquence
r-cran-kedd (1.0.3-2)
Kernel Estimator+Bandwidth Selection - Density+Derivatives
r-cran-kernelheaping (2.3.0-1)
GNU R kernel density estimation for heaped and rounded data
r-cran-kernlab (0.9-32-1)
GNU R package for kernel-based machine learning lab
r-cran-kernsmooth (2.23-20-1)
paquet de GNU R pour le lissage et estimation de densité par noyau
r-cran-keyring (1.3.1-1)
access the system credential store from GNU R (0.5-6-1)
GNU R confidence intervals for the Kaplan-Meier estimator
r-cran-kmi (0.5.5-2)
GNU R Kaplan-Meier Multiple Imputation
r-cran-kmsurv (0.1-5-2+b1)
data sets for GNU R from Klein and Moeschberger (1997), Survival Analysis
r-cran-knitr (1.42+dfsg-1)
GNU R package for dynamic report generation using Literate Programming
r-cran-knn.covertree (1.0-2)
GNU R accurate kNN implementation with multiple distance measures
r-cran-kohonen (3.0.11+dfsg-1)
cartes autoadaptatives de GNU R, supervisées et non supervisées
r-cran-ks (1.14.0-1)
GNU R kernel smoothing
r-cran-ksamples (1.2-9-2)
GNU R K-Sample Rank Tests and their Combinations
r-cran-kutils (1.70+dfsg-2)
GNU R project management tools
r-cran-labdsv (2.0-1-2)
Ordination and Multivariate Analysis for Ecology
r-cran-labeling (0.4.2-1)
GNU R Axis Labeling optimization
r-cran-laeken (0.5.2-1)
GNU R estimation of indicators on social exclusion and poverty
r-cran-lambda.r (1.2.4-2)
GNU R modeling data with functional programming
r-cran-lamw (2.1.1-2)
fonction W de Lambert de GNU R
r-cran-lasso2 (1.2-22-1+b1)
GNU R L1 constrained estimation aka `lasso'
r-cran-later (1.3.0+dfsg-1+b1)
GNU R utilities for delaying function execution
r-cran-lattice (0.20-45-3)
paquet GNU R pour les graphes « Trellis »
r-cran-latticeextra (0.6-30-1)
paquet de GNU R d’affichages graphiques supplémentaires basés sur les treillis
r-cran-lava (
modèles de variables latentes de GNU R
r-cran-lavaan (0.6.14-1)
GNU R package for latent variable analysis -- lavaan
r-cran-lavasearch2 (1.5.6+dfsg-1)
GNU R tools for model specification in the latent variable framework
r-cran-lazyeval (0.2.2-1+b1)
GNU R lazy (non-standard) evaluation
r-cran-lbfgsb3c (2020-3.2-2)
GNU R limited memory BFGS minimizer with bounds on Parameters
r-cran-leaps (3.1-1+b1)
Regression Subset Selection
r-cran-learnbayes (2.15.1-4)
GNU R functions for learning bayesian inference
r-cran-leiden (0.4.3+dfsg-1)
implémentation de GNU R de l’algorithme de groupement Leiden
r-cran-leidenbase (0.1.14-2)
GNU R and C/C++ Wrappers to Run the Leiden find_partition() Function
r-cran-lexrankr (0.5.2-8)
résumé de texte extractif avec l’algorithme LexRank
r-cran-lhs (1.1.6-1)
GNU R Latin Hypercube Samples
r-cran-libcoin (1.0-9-1+b1)
GNU R linear test statistics for permutation inference
r-cran-lifecycle (1.0.3+dfsg-1)
gestion de cycle de vie pour des fonctions de paquet de GNU R
r-cran-linprog (0.9-4-1)
GNU R linear programming / optimization
r-cran-lintr (3.0.2-1)
Linter for R Code
r-cran-lisreltor (0.1.5-1)
import output from LISREL into GNU R
r-cran-listenv (0.9.0+dfsg-1)
R package: Environments Behaving (Almost) as Lists
r-cran-littler (0.3.17-1)
Interface en ligne de commande et script GNU R
r-cran-lme4 (1.1-31-1)
Paquet GNU R pour créer un modèle d'effets mélangés linéaires
r-cran-lmertest (3.1-3-2)
tests de GNU R de modèles mixtes linéaires
r-cran-lmtest (0.9.40-1)
paquet de GNU R pour la diagnostic des modèles de régression linéaire
r-cran-lobstr (1.1.2-1)
visualize R data structures with trees
r-cran-locfit (1.5-9.7-1)
GNU R local regression, likelihood and density estimation
r-cran-logcondens (2.1.7-1)
GNU R estimate a log-concave probability density from Iid observations
r-cran-logger (0.2.2-1)
lightweight, modern and flexible logging utility for GNU R
r-cran-logging (0.10-108-2)
paquet de journalisation pour GNU R
r-cran-logspline (2.1.19-1)
paquet de GNU R de routines pour l’estimation de densité logspline
r-cran-loo (2.5.1-1)
GNU R leave-one-out cross-validation and WAIC for Bayesian models
r-cran-lpsolve (5.6.18-1)
GNU R package providing linear program solvers
r-cran-lsd (4.1-0-2)
Lots of Superior Depictions
r-cran-lsei (1.3-0-1)
résolution de problèmes ayant des contraintes d’égalité ou d’inégalité
r-cran-lsmeans (2.30-0-2)
GNU R package providing least-squares means for various classes of models
r-cran-lubridate (1.9.2+dfsg-1)
simplifies dealing with dates in R
r-cran-luminescence (0.9.21-1)
GNU R comprehensive luminescence dating data analysis
r-cran-lwgeom (0.2-11-1)
GNU R bindings to selected 'liblwgeom' functions for simple features
r-cran-m2r (1.0.2+dfsg-3)
Macaulay2 interface for R
r-cran-magic (1.6-1-1)
création et investigation de carrés magiques avec GNU R
r-cran-magick (2.7.3+dfsg-3)
advanced graphics and image-processing in GNU R
r-cran-magrittr (2.0.3-1)
GNU R forward-pipe operator
r-cran-maldiquant (1.22-1)
GNU R package for quantitative analysis of mass spectrometry data
r-cran-maldiquantforeign (0.13-1)
GNU R package providing import/export routines for MALDIquant
r-cran-manipulatewidgets (0.11.1-3)
GNU R package for more interactivity in interactive charts
r-cran-maotai (0.2.4-1)
Tools for Matrix Algebra, Optimization and Inference
r-cran-mapdata (2.3.1-1)
prise en charge de GNU R pour la production de cartes géographiques – données supplémentaires
r-cran-mapproj (1.2.11-1)
prise en charge de GNU R pour les projections cartographiques de données de carte
r-cran-maps (3.4.1-1)
aide de GNU R pour fabriquer des cartes géographiques
r-cran-maptools (1:1.1-6+dfsg-1)
GNU R Tools for reading and handling spatial objects
r-cran-maptree (1.4-8-1)
GNU R mapping, pruning, and graphing tree models
r-cran-markdown (1.5+dfsg-1)
GNU R package providing R bindings to the Sundown Markdown rendering library
r-cran-markovchain (0.9.1-1)
Easy Handling Discrete Time Markov Chains
r-cran-mass (7.3-58.2-1)
paquet GNU R pour MASS de Venables et Ripley
r-cran-matching (4.10-8-1)
multivariate and propensity score matching with balance optimization
r-cran-matchit (4.5.1-1)
paquet de GNU R de méthodes de correspondance non paramétriques
r-cran-mathjaxr (1.6-0-1)
paquet de GNU R pour l’utilisation de Mathjax dans des fichiers Rd
r-cran-matlab (1.0.4-1)
MATLAB emulation package
r-cran-matrix (1.5-3-1)
paquet de GNU R de classes pour les matrices denses et creuses
r-cran-matrixcalc (1.0.6-1)
GNU R functions for matrix calculations -- matrixcalc
r-cran-matrixmodels (0.5-1-1)
paquet de GNU R pour des modèles de matrice creuse ou dense
r-cran-matrixstats (0.63.0-1)
GNU R methods that apply to rows and columns of a matrix
r-cran-maxlik (1.5-2-1)
GNU R maximum likelihood estimation
r-cran-maxstat (0.7-25-2+b1)
GNU R maximally selected rank statistics
r-cran-mclust (6.0.0-1)
modèle de mélange gaussien pour le regroupement de modèles
r-cran-mclustcomp (0.3.3-2)
Measures for Comparing Clusters
r-cran-mcmc (0.9-7-1+b1)
GNU R package for Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulations
r-cran-mcmcpack (1.6-3-1)
routines de R d’estimation de Monte-Carlo par chaînes de Markov
r-cran-mda (0.5-3-1)
GNU R mixture and flexible discriminant analysis
r-cran-medadherence (1.03-6)
adhésion à la médication de GNU R : définitions couramment utilisées
r-cran-mediana (1.0.8-3)
clinical trial simulations
r-cran-memoise (2.0.1-1)
Memoise functions
r-cran-mertools (0.5.2-1)
GNU R tools for analyzing mixed effect regression models
r-cran-metadat (1.2-0-2)
GNU R meta-analysis datasets
r-cran-metafor (3.8-1-1)
Meta-Analysis Package for R
r-cran-metamix (0.3-2+b1)
GNU R bayesian mixture analysis for metagenomic community profiling
r-cran-metap (1.8-1)
méta-analyse de valeurs de significativité
r-cran-metrics (0.1.4-2)
GNU R evaluation metrics for machine learning
r-cran-mets (1.3.2+dfsg-1)
analyse avec GNU R de temps multivariés d’évènements
r-cran-mfilter (0.1.5-2)
GNU R package providing miscellaneous time series filters
r-cran-mgcv (1.8-41-1)
paquet de GNU R pour l’estimation avec plusieurs paramètres de régularité
r-cran-mi (1.1-1)
GNU R package for Missing Data Imputation and Model Checking -- mi
r-cran-mice (3.15.0-1)
imputation multivariée par équations chainées de GNU R
r-cran-mime (0.12-1+b1)
paquet de R mappant les noms de fichier aux types MIME
r-cran-minerva (1.5.10-1)
Maximal Information-Based Nonparametric Exploration
r-cran-miniui (
composants graphiques d’interface utilisateur de Shiny pour petits écrans
r-cran-minpack.lm (1.2-3-1)
GNU R Levenberg-Marquardt nonlinear least-squares algorithm found in MINPACK
r-cran-minqa (1.2.5-1)
GNU R package for quadratic optimisation without derivatives
r-cran-misc3d (0.9-1-1)
collection de GNU R de fonctions de tracé en 3D et d’isosurfaces basées sur rgl
r-cran-misctools (0.6-26-2)
outils et utilitaires divers pour GNU R
r-cran-mitml (0.4-4-1)
GNU R tools for multiple imputation in multilevel modeling
r-cran-mitools (2.4-2)
outils de GNU R pour des imputations multiples de données manquantes
r-cran-mixsqp (0.3-48-1)
Quadratic Programming for Estimation of Mixture Proportions
r-cran-mixtools (2.0.0-1)
GNU R tools for analyzing finite mixture models
r-cran-mlbench (2.1-3-1)
GNU R Machine Learning Benchmark Problems
r-cran-mlmetrics (1.1.1-3)
GNU R machine learning evaluation metrics
r-cran-mlmrev (1.0-8-2)
exemples de GNU R à partir d’une recension de modèles linéaires hiérarchiques
r-cran-mlr (2.19.1+dfsg-1)
Machine learning in GNU R
r-cran-mnormt (2.1.1-2)
paquet de GNU R pour les distributions normales et de Student multidimensionnelles
r-cran-mnp (3.1-3-1)
paquet de GNU R pour ajuster des modèles probit multinomiaux (MNP)
r-cran-mockery (0.4.3+dfsg-1)
mocking library for GNU R
r-cran-mockr (0.2.1-1)
mocking in GNU R
r-cran-modeest (2.4.0-2)
GNU R mode estimation
r-cran-modeldata (1.1.0-1)
ensembles de données utiles pour les paquets de modélisation
r-cran-modelmetrics (
GNU R Rapid Calculation of Model Metrics
r-cran-modelr (0.1.10-1)
GNU R modelling functions that work with the pipe
r-cran-modeltools (0.2-23-2)
paquet de GNU R fournissant une collection d’outils pour travailler avec des modèles statistiques
r-cran-mpoly (1.1.1-2)
symbolic computing with multivariate polynomials in R
r-cran-msm (1.7-1)
modèles de Markov multi-état et caché en temps continu
r-cran-multcomp (1.4-22-1)
paquet GNU R de plusieurs procédures de comparaison
r-cran-multcompview (0.1-8-2)
GNU R visualizations of paired comparisons
r-cran-multicool (0.1-12-1)
GNU R permutations of multisets in Cool-Lex order
r-cran-multidimbio (1.2.2-2)
analyse multivariée et visualisation avec GNU R de données biologiques
r-cran-multilevel (2.7-1)
GNU R multilevel functions for applied psychology
r-cran-munsell (0.5.0-2)
Utilities for using Munsell colors
r-cran-mutoss (0.1-12-3)
GNU R unified multiple testing procedures
r-cran-mvnfast (0.2.8+dfsg-1)
GNU R fast multivariate normal and student's t methods
r-cran-mvnormtest (0.1-9-1+b3)
paquet de GNU R de test de normalité multivariée
r-cran-mvtnorm (1.1-3-1+b1)
paquet de GNU R pour calculer une distribution multidimensionnelle normale ou t
r-cran-nanotime (0.3.7-1)
GNU R package for nanosecond-resolution time support
r-cran-natserv (1.0.0+dfsg-1)
interface de GNU R pour « NatureServe »
r-cran-ncdf4 (1.21-1)
GNU R interface to Unidata netCDF format data files
r-cran-ncdfgeom (1.1.4+dfsg-1)
GNU R NetCDF geometry and time series
r-cran-ncmeta (0.3.5-1)
métadonnées de « NetCDF » simplement avec GNU R
r-cran-network (1.18.1-1)
Classes for Relational Data
r-cran-nfactors (
GNU R analysis and solutions to the Cattell Scree test
r-cran-nleqslv (3.3.4-1)
GNU R package for solving systems of nonlinear equations
r-cran-nlme (3.1.162-1)
paquet de GNU R pour les modèles mixtes (non)linéaires
r-cran-nloptr (2.0.3-1)
GNU R package for interface to NLopt
r-cran-nlp (0.2-1-1)
Natural Language Processing Infrastructure for R
r-cran-nmf (0.25-1)
GNU R framework to perform non-negative matrix factorization
r-cran-nnet (7.3-18-1)
paquet de GNU R pour les réseaux de neurones à propagation avant
r-cran-nnls (1.4-3+b2)
paquet de GNU R pour les moindres carrés non négatifs – algorithme de Lawson-Hanson
r-cran-nortest (1.0-4-3)
GNU R package with five tests for normality
r-cran-nozzle.r1 (1.1-1.1+dfsg-1)
rapports nozzle avec GNU R
r-cran-npsurv (0.5-0-1)
Nonparametric Survival Analysis
r-cran-numderiv (2016.8-1.1-3)
paquet de GNU R pour des dérivées numériques précises
r-cran-officer (0.6.0+dfsg-1)
manipulation de documents Word et Powerpoint de Microsoft à partir de GNU R
r-cran-openmx (2.21.1+dfsg-1)
GNU R extended structural equation modelling
r-cran-openssl (2.0.5+dfsg-1)
GNU R toolkit for encryption, signatures and certificates based on OpenSSL
r-cran-openxlsx (
GNU R package to read and write XLSX files
r-cran-optimalcutpoints (1.1-5-1)
calcul des points de coupure optimaux dans des tests de diagnostic
r-cran-optimparallel (1.0-2-2)
parallel version of the L-BFGS-B optimization method
r-cran-optimx (2022-4.30+dfsg-1)
GNU R expanded replacement and extension of the 'optim' function
r-cran-optparse (1.7.3-1)
analyseur syntaxique d’options de ligne de commande de GNU R
r-cran-ordinal (2022.11-16-1)
GNU R regression models for ordinal data
r-cran-orthopolynom (
functions for orthogonal and orthonormal polynomials in R
r-cran-packrat (0.9.0-2)
GNU R dependency management system for R package dependencies
r-cran-palmerpenguins (0.1.1-1)
GNU R Palmer Archipelago (Antarctica) penguin data
r-cran-pammtools (0.5.8-1)
GNU R piece-wise exponential additive mixed modeling tools
r-cran-pan (1.6-2)
imputation multiple pour un panel multivarié ou de données de grappe pour GNU R
r-cran-pander (0.6.5+dfsg-3+deb12u1)
GNU R 'Pandoc' writer
r-cran-parallelly (1.34.0-1)
GNU R enhancing the 'parallel' package
r-cran-parallelmap (1.5.1-1)
GNU R unified interface to parallelization back-ends
r-cran-parameters (0.20.2-1)
GNU R processing of model parameters
r-cran-paramhelpers (1.14.1-1)
GNU R helpers for parameters in black-box optimization and tuning
r-cran-parmigene (1.1.0-1)
information mutuelle en parrallèle pour établir des réseaux géniques
r-cran-parsetools (0.1.3-3)
GNU R parse tools
r-cran-partitions (1.10-7+ds-1)
partitions additives d’entiers
r-cran-party (1.3-11-1)
GNU R laboratory for recursive partytioning
r-cran-partykit (1.2-16-1)
boite à outils de GNU R pour le partitionnement récursif
r-cran-patchwork (1.1.2-1)
GNU R the composer of plots
r-cran-pbapply (1.7-0-1)
paquet de GNU R fournissant des barres de progression pour des fonctions de R vectorisées
r-cran-pbdzmq (0.3.9+dfsg-1)
R bindings for ZeroMQ from the pbdR project
r-cran-pbivnorm (0.6.0-4)
paquet de GNU R pour calculer les probabilités à partir d’une CDF bivariée normale
r-cran-pbkrtest (0.5.2-2)
GNU R package for tests in linear mixed-effect models
r-cran-pbmcapply (1.5.1-1)
GNU R tracking the progress of Mc*pply with progress bar
r-cran-pcapp (2.0-3-1)
Robust PCA by Projection Pursuit
r-cran-pcict (0.5-4.4-1)
GNU R Implementation of POSIXct work-alike calendars
r-cran-pdftools (3.3.3-1)
GNU R text extraction, rendering and converting of PDF documents
r-cran-pec (2022.05.04-1)
GNU R Prediction Error Curves for risk prediction models in survival
r-cran-performance (0.10.2-1)
GNU R assessment of regression models performance
r-cran-permute (0.9-7-1)
R functions for generating restricted permutations of data
r-cran-phangorn (2.11.1+dfsg-1)
GNU R package for phylogenetic analysis
r-cran-pheatmap (1.0.12-2)
GNU R package to create pretty heatmaps
r-cran-phylobase (0.8.10-1+b1)
GNU R base package for phylogenetic structures and comparative data
r-cran-phytools (1.5-1-1)
GNU R phylogenetic tools for comparative biology
r-cran-pillar (1.8.1+dfsg-1)
GNU R coloured formatting for columns
r-cran-pingr (2.0.2-1)
vérification avec GNU R qu’un ordinateur distant fonctionne
r-cran-pixmap (0.4-12-1)
GNU R bitmap images (Pixel Maps)
r-cran-pkgbuild (1.4.0-1)
find tools needed to build GNU R packages
r-cran-pkgcond (0.1.1-1)
GNU R classed error and warning conditions
r-cran-pkgconfig (2.0.3-2)
configuration particulière pour chaque paquet de R
r-cran-pkgdown (2.0.7-1)
make static HTML documentation for a GNU R package
r-cran-pkgkitten (0.2.2-2)
GNU R package to create simple packages
r-cran-pkgload (1.3.2-1)
simulation de l’installation et de son rattachement d’un paquet de GNU R
r-cran-pkgmaker (0.32.8-1)
GNU R package development utilities
r-cran-pki (0.1-12-1)
public key infrastucture for R based on the X.509 standard
r-cran-plm (2.6-2+dfsg-1)
estimateurs et tests de GNU R pour des données de panel d’économétrie
r-cran-plogr (0.2.0-3)
GNU R C++ Logging Library
r-cran-plot3d (1.4-2)
GNU R plotting multi-dimensional data
r-cran-plotly (4.10.1+dfsg-2)
create interactive web graphics via 'plotly.js' in GNU R
r-cran-plotmo (3.6.2-1)
GNU R plot a model's response and residuals
r-cran-plotrix (3.8-2-1)
paquet GNU R qui fournit diverses fonctions de traçage
r-cran-pls (2.8-1-1)
GNU R partial least squares and principal component regression
r-cran-plumber (1.2.1+ds-1)
API Generator for GNU R
r-cran-plyr (1.8.8-1)
tools for splitting, applying and combining data
r-cran-png (0.1-8-1)
GNU R package to read and write PNG images
r-cran-poissonbinomial (1.2.5-1)
GNU R Efficient Computation of Ordinary and Generalized Poisson
r-cran-polspline (1.1.22-1)
paquet de GNU R pour l’ajustement de spline polynomial
r-cran-polyclip (1.10-4-1)
GNU R Polygon Clipping
r-cran-polycor (0.8-1-1)
GNU R polychoric and polyserial correlations
r-cran-polycub (0.8.1-1)
GNU R Cubature over Polygonal Domains
r-cran-polynom (1.4-1+dfsg-1)
GNU R class for univariate polynomial manipulations
r-cran-poorman (0.2.6+dfsg-1)
Poor Man's sependency free recreation of 'dplyr' GNU R package
r-cran-popepi (0.4.10+dfsg-1)
Functions for Epidemiological Analysis using Population Data
r-cran-posterior (1.4.0+dfsg-1)
outils de GNU R pour travailler avec des distributions a posteriori
r-cran-postlogic (
GNU R Infix and Postfix Logic Operators
r-cran-powerlaw (0.70.6-2)
GNU R analysis of heavy tailed distributions
r-cran-prabclus (2.3-2-2)
regroupement avec GNU R de données génétiques de présence-absence, abondance et multilocus
r-cran-pracma (2.4.2-1)
practical numerical math functions for GNU R
r-cran-praise (1.0.0-4)
GNU R praise users
r-cran-prediction (0.3.14-2)
GNU R tidy, type-safe 'prediction()' methods
r-cran-prettycode (1.1.0-2)
pretty print GNU R code in the terminal
r-cran-prettyr (2.2-3-2)
Pretty Descriptive Stats
r-cran-prettyunits (1.1.1-2)
GNU R pretty, human readable formatting of quantities
r-cran-prevalence (0.4.1-1)
GNU R tools for prevalence assessment studies
r-cran-princurve (2.1.6-1)
fit a principal curve in arbitrary dimension
r-cran-proc (1.18.0-1+b1)
Display and Analyze ROC Curves
r-cran-processx (3.8.0-1)
exécution et contrôle de processus du système avec GNU R
r-cran-prodlim (2019.11.13-1+b1)
GNU R product-limit estimation for Censored Event History Analysis
r-cran-profilemodel (0.6.1-1)
GNU R tools for profiling inference functions
r-cran-profmem (0.6.0+dfsg-1)
profilage simple de mémoire pour R
r-cran-profvis (0.3.7+dfsg-2)
interactive visualizations for profiling GNU R code
r-cran-progress (1.2.2-2)
barres de progression pour terminaux pour GNU R
r-cran-progressr (0.13.0-1)
GNU R inclusive, unifying API for progress updates
r-cran-projpred (2.3.0+dfsg-1)
sélection de caractéristiques prédictives de projection pour GNU R
r-cran-promises (
abstractions de R pour la programmation asynchrone basée sur les promesses
r-cran-propclust (1.4-6-1+b2 [amd64], 1.4-6-1+b1 [arm64, armel, armhf, i386, mips64el, mipsel, ppc64el, s390x])
Propensity Clustering and Decomposition
r-cran-prophet (1.0+dfsg-4)
GNU R automatic forecasting procedure
r-cran-proto (1.0.0-3)
Prototype object-based programming
r-cran-proxy (0.4-27-1)
mesures de distance et de similarité avec GNU R
r-cran-ps (1.7.2-1)
GNU R list, query, manipulate system processes
r-cran-pscbs (0.66.0-2)
R package: Analysis of Parent-Specific DNA Copy Numbers
r-cran-pscl (1.5.5-1+b1)
GNU R package for discrete data models
r-cran-psy (1.2-1)
procédures GNU R pour la mesure psychique
r-cran-psych (2.2.9-1)
GNU R procedures for psychological, psychometric, and personality research
r-cran-psychometric (2.3-1)
théorie psychométrique appliquée avec GNU R
r-cran-psychotools (0.7-2-1)
GNU R psychometric modeling infrastructure
r-cran-psychotree (0.16-0-1)
GNU R recursive partitioning based on psychometric models
r-cran-psychtools (2.2.9-1)
GNU R tools to accompany the 'r-cran-psych'
r-cran-psyphy (0.2-3-1)
functions for analyzing psychophysical data in GNU R
r-cran-publish (2023.01.17-1)
GNU R format output of various routines
r-cran-purrr (1.0.1-1)
outils de GNU R pour la programmation fonctionnelle
r-cran-purrrlyr (0.0.8-1)
GNU R Tools at the Intersection of 'purrr' and 'dplyr'
r-cran-pvclust (2.2-0-2)
regroupement hiérarchique avec valeurs-p par la méthode du bootstrap multi-échelle
r-cran-pwr (1.3-0+dfsg-1)
GNU R basic functions for power analysis
r-cran-pwt (7.1.1-7)
GNU R package for the Penn World Tables (version 5.6 to 7.1)
r-cran-pwt8 (8.1.1-5)
GNU R package for the Penn World Tables (version 8.x)
r-cran-pwt9 (9.1-0-2)
paquet de GNU R pour les Penn World Tables – version 9.x
r-cran-qap (0.1-2-1)
GNU R heuristics for the quadratic assignment problem (QAP)
r-cran-qgraph (1.9.3-1)
GNU R graph plotting methods and psychometric data visualization
r-cran-qlcmatrix (0.9.7-2)
GNU R utility sparse matrix functions for quantitative language
r-cran-qpdf (1.3.0+dfsg-2)
GNU R split, combine and compress PDF files
r-cran-qqconf (1.3.1+dfsg-1)
GNU R creates simultaneous testing bands for QQ-plots
r-cran-qqman (0.1.8+dfsg-1)
R package for visualizing GWAS results using Q-Q and manhattan plots
r-cran-qtl (1.58-1)
paquet de GNU R d’analyse de liaisons de marqueurs génétiques
r-cran-quadprog (1.5-8-1+b1)
paquet de GNU R pour les problèmes d’optimisation quadratique
r-cran-quantmod (0.4.20-1)
GNU R package for quantitative financial modeling framework
r-cran-quantreg (5.94-1)
GNU R package for quantile regression
r-cran-qvcalc (1.0.2-2)
quasivariances avec GNU R pour des effets de facteur dans les modèles statistiques
r-cran-r.cache (0.16.0-1)
R package: Fast and Light-Weight Caching of Objects and Results
r-cran-r.devices (2.17.1+ds-1)
unified handling of graphics devices in R
r-cran-r.methodss3 (1.8.2-1)
GNU R utility function for defining S3 methods
r-cran-r.oo (1.25.0-1)
GNU R object-oriented programming with or without references
r-cran-r.rsp (0.45.0+ds-1)
Dynamic Generation of Scientific Reports
r-cran-r.utils (2.12.2-1)
GNU R various programming utilities
r-cran-r2d2 (1.0.1-1)
Bivariate (2D) Confidence Region and Frequency Distribution
r-cran-r2html (2.3.3+dfsg-1)
exportation en HTML d’objets R
r-cran-r6 (2.5.1-1)
R classes with reference semantics
r-cran-ragg (1.2.5-1)
dispositifs d’affichage de GNU R basés sur AGG
r-cran-randomfields (3.3.14-1)
GNU R simulation and analysis of random fields
r-cran-randomfieldsutils (1.2.5-1)
utilitaires pour la simulation et l’analyse de champs aléatoires
r-cran-randomforest (4.7-1.1-1)
paquet de GNU R mettant en œuvre le classificateur de forêts aléatoires
r-cran-randomglm (1.10-1-1)
Random General Linear Model Prediction
r-cran-ranger (0.14.1-1)
Fast Implementation of Random Forests
r-cran-rann (2.6.1-1+b2 [amd64], 2.6.1-1+b1 [arm64, armel, armhf, i386, mips64el, mipsel, ppc64el, s390x])
Fast Nearest Neighbour Search Using L2 Metric
r-cran-rappdirs (0.3.3-1)
répertoires des applications de GNU R
r-cran-raschsampler (0.8-8-3)
GNU R package for sampling binary matrices with fixed margins
r-cran-raster (3.6-14-1)
analyse et modélisation de données géographiques avec GNU R
r-cran-ratelimitr (0.4.1-2)
limitation de vitesse pour GNU R
r-cran-rbibutils (2.2.13-1)
GNU R convert between bibliography formats
r-cran-rcarb (0.1.6+dfsg-1)
GNU R dose rate modelling of carbonate-rich samples
r-cran-rcdk (3.7.0+dfsg-1)
GNU R interface to the 'CDK' libraries
r-cran-rcdklibs (2.8+dfsg-1)
Chemistry Development Kit (CDK) libraries packaged for GNU R
r-cran-rcmdcheck (1.4.0-2)
exécution d’un « R CMD check » à partir de « R » et capture des résultats
r-cran-rcmdr (2.8-0-1)
interface graphique multi-plate-forme GNU R sur les statistiques basiques
r-cran-rcmdrmisc (2.7-2-1)
paquet de GNU R pour divers utilitaires de Rcmdr
r-cran-rcolorbrewer (1.1-3-1)
paquet de GNU R fournissant des palettes de couleurs adaptées
r-cran-rcpp (1.0.10-1)
GNU R package for Seamless R and C++ Integration
r-cran-rcppannoy (0.0.20-1)
liaisons de Rcpp pour Annoy (recherche des plus proches voisins)
r-cran-rcpparmadillo (
GNU R package for Armadillo C++ linear algebra library
r-cran-rcppcctz (0.2.12-1)
GNU R package with 'CCTZ' bindings
r-cran-rcppdate (0.0.3-2)
GNU R package with 'Date' bindings
r-cran-rcppdist (0.1.1-2)
'Rcpp' Integration of Additional Probability Distributions
r-cran-rcppeigen (
paquet de GNU R pour l’algèbre linéaire de patrons Eigen
r-cran-rcppgsl (0.3.13-1)
GNU R package for integration with the GNU GSL
r-cran-rcpphnsw (0.4.1+ds-2)
R bindings for a Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors
r-cran-rcppml (0.3.7-2)
GNU R Rcpp Machine Learning Library
r-cran-rcppmlpack (1.0.10-7-2)
GNU R 'Rcpp' Integration for the 'MLPACK' library
r-cran-rcppparallel (5.1.6+dfsg-1)
parallel programming tools for Rcpp
r-cran-rcppprogress (0.4.2-2)
interruptible progress bar for C++ in GNU R packages
r-cran-rcpproll (0.3.0-2)
GNU R efficient rolling / windowed operations
r-cran-rcppspdlog (0.0.12-1)
paquet de GNU R avec prise en charge de la journalisation « spdlog »
r-cran-rcpptoml (0.2.2+dfsg-1)
'Rcpp' Bindings to Parser for Tom's Obvious Markup Language
r-cran-rcsdp (
R Interface to the CSDP Semidefinite Programming Library
r-cran-rcurl (1.98-1.10+dfsg-1)
GNU R General network (HTTP/FTP/...) client interface
r-cran-rdbnomics (0.6.4-1)
access to hundreds of millions data series from DBnomics API
r-cran-rdflib (0.2.5+dfsg-1)
GNU R tools to manipulate and query semantic data
r-cran-rdpack (2.4-1)
GNU R update and manipulate Rd documentation objects
r-cran-readbrukerflexdata (1.9.0-1)
GNU R package to read Bruker Daltonics *flex format files
r-cran-readmzxmldata (2.8.2-1)
GNU R package to read mass spectrometry data in mzXML format
r-cran-readr (2.1.4-1)
GNU R package to read rectangular text data
r-cran-readstata13 (0.10.1-1)
paquet de GNU R pour importer des fichiers de données au format « Strata »
r-cran-readxl (1.4.2-1)
GNU R package to read Excel files
r-cran-recipes (1.0.4+dfsg-1)
GNU R preprocessing tools to create design matrices
r-cran-redland (1.0.17-16-1+b1 [mips64el], 1.0.17-16-1 [amd64, arm64, armel, armhf, i386, mipsel, ppc64el, s390x])
RDF library bindings in GNU R
r-cran-registry (0.5-1-2)
GNU R package for registries
r-cran-regsem (1.9.3+dfsg-1)
modélisation d’équations structurelles régularisées avec GNU R
r-cran-relimp (1.0-5-4)
paquet de GNU R pour l’inférence de l’importance relative de régressseurs
r-cran-relsurv (2.2-9-1)
GNU R relative survival
r-cran-rematch (1.0.1-3)
GNU R package to match regular expression with a nicer api
r-cran-rematch2 (2.1.2-2)
Tidy Output from Regular Expression Matching
r-cran-remotes (2.4.2-1)
R Package Installation from Remote Repositories, Including 'GitHub'
r-cran-rentrez (1.2.3+dfsg-1)
interface GNU R pour l’API EUtils du NCBI
r-cran-repr (1.1.6-1)
Serializable representations of R objects
r-cran-reprex (2.0.2-1)
Prepare Reproducible Example Code via the Clipboard
r-cran-reshape (0.8.9-1)
Flexibly reshape data
r-cran-reshape2 (1.4.4-2)
Flexibly reshape data: a reboot of the reshape package
r-cran-restfulr (0.0.15-1)
interface de GNU R pour des services web RESTful
r-cran-reticulate (1.28+dfsg-1)
R interface to Python modules, classes, and functions
r-cran-rex (1.2.1-1)
GNU R friendly regular expressions
r-cran-rgdal (1.6-4+dfsg-1)
GNU R bindings for the geospatial data abstraction library
r-cran-rgenoud (5.9-0.3-1)
R Version of GENetic Optimization Using Derivatives
r-cran-rgeos (0.6-1-1)
GNU R interface to geometry engine
r-cran-rgl (1.0.1-1)
paquet de GNU R pour la visualisation en trois dimensions avec OpenGL
r-cran-rglpk (0.6-4-1+b2 [amd64], 0.6-4-1+b1 [arm64, armel, armhf, i386, mips64el, mipsel, ppc64el, s390x])
GNU R interface to the GNU Linear Programming Kit
r-cran-rglwidget (0.2.1-4)
GNU R 'rgl' in 'htmlwidgets' Framework
r-cran-rgooglemaps (
GNU R overlays on static maps
r-cran-rhandsontable (0.3.8+dfsg-1)
interface de GNU R pour la bibliothèque « Handsontable.js »
r-cran-rinside (0.2.18-1)
GNU R package to embed R in C++ application
r-cran-rio (0.5.29-1)
GNU R package with Swiss-army knife for data i/o
r-cran-riskregression (2022.11.28+ds-1)
GNU R Risk Regression Models and Prediction Scores for Survival
r-cran-ritis (1.0.0-1)
client de GNU R pour le Système d'information taxonomique intégré
r-cran-rjags (1:4-13-1)
interface de R pour le paquet de statistiques bayésiennes JAGS
r-cran-rjava (1.0-6-1+b1)
interface de bas niveau de GNU R pour Java
r-cran-rjson (0.2.21-1)
GNU R package for converting between R and JSON objects
r-cran-rlang (1.0.6-1)
Functions for Base Types and Core R and 'Tidyverse' Features
r-cran-rle (0.9.2-2)
GNU R common functions for run-length encoded vectors
r-cran-rlinsolve (0.3.2-1)
Iterative Solvers for (Sparse) Linear System of Equations
r-cran-rlist (
boite à outils de GNU R pour la manipulation de données non tabulaires
r-cran-rlrsim (3.1-8-1)
GNU R exact likelihood ratio tests for mixed and additive models
r-cran-rlumshiny (0.2.3-1)
GNU R 'Shiny' Applications for the R Package 'Luminescence'
r-cran-rmarkdown (2.20+dfsg-1)
convert R markdown documents into a variety of formats
r-cran-rmpfr (0.9-1-1)
R MPFR - Multiple Precision Floating-Point Reliable
r-cran-rmpi (0.6-9.2-2)
paquet de GNU R pour l’interfaçage de bibliothèques MPI pour le calcul distribué
r-cran-rms (6.5-0-1)
GNU R regression modeling strategies by Frank Harrell
r-cran-rmutil (1.1.10-1)
utilitaires de GNU R pour des modèles de regression non linéaire et de mesures répétées
r-cran-rmysql (0.10.25-1)
paquet de GNU R fournissant une interface conforme à DBI pour MySQL
r-cran-rnaturalearthdata (0.1.0-2)
données vectorielles de cartographie mondiale de Natural Earth pour GNU R
r-cran-rncl (0.8.7-1)
GNU R interface to the Nexus Class Library
r-cran-rneos (0.4-0-3)
GNU R package with XML-RPC interface to NEOS
r-cran-rnetcdf (2.6-2-1)
GNU R package that provides an R interface to NetCDF datasets
r-cran-rnexml (2.4.11+ds-1)
GNU R package for semantically rich I/O for the 'NeXML' format
r-cran-rngtools (1.5.2-1)
GNU R package for random number generators
r-cran-rniftilib (0.0-35.r79-6)
GNU/R interface to NIFTICLIB
r-cran-robumeta (2.0-3)
GNU R robust variance meta-regression
r-cran-robust (0.7-1-1)
Port of the S+ "Robust Library"
r-cran-robustbase (0.95-0-1)
paquet de GNU R fournissant des statistiques de base robustes
r-cran-robustrankaggreg (1.2.1-1)
Methods for robust rank aggregation
r-cran-rockchalk (1.8.157+dfsg-1)
présentation et estimation de régression avec GNU R
r-cran-rocr (1.0-11-2)
paquet de GNU R pour préparer et afficher des courbes ROC
r-cran-rodbc (1.3-20-1)
paquet GNU R pour l'accès aux bases de données ODBC
r-cran-rook (1.2+dfsg-1)
web server interface for R
r-cran-rook-examples (1.2+dfsg-1)
web server interface for R (examples)
r-cran-rose (0.0-4-2)
GNU R random over-sampling examples
r-cran-rotl (3.0.14-1)
GNU R interface to the 'Open Tree of Life' API
r-cran-roxygen2 (7.2.3-1)
in-line documentation for GNU R
r-cran-rpact (3.3.4-1)
Confirmatory Adaptive Clinical Trial Design and Analysis
r-cran-rpart (4.1.19-1)
paquet de GNU R pour le partitionnement récursif et les arborescences de régression
r-cran-rpf (1.0.11+dfsg-2)
fonctions de GNU R pour la probabilité de réponse
r-cran-rpostgresql (0.7-5+dfsg-1)
GNU R package providing database interface and driver for PostgreSQL
r-cran-rprojroot (2.0.3-1)
GNU R finding files in project subdirectories
r-cran-rprotobuf (0.4.20-1+b1)
GNU R package providing an interface to the Protocol Buffers API
r-cran-rquantlib (0.4.17-1)
GNU R package interfacing the QuantLib finance library
r-cran-rrcov (1.7-2-1)
Scalable Robust Estimators with High Breakdown Point
r-cran-rredlist (0.7.1-1)
GNU R IUCN Red List Client
r-cran-rsample (1.1.1+dfsg-1)
GNU R general resampling infrastructure
r-cran-rsclient (0.7-9-1)
paquet de GNU R fournissant un client Rserve
r-cran-rsconnect (0.8.29-1)
GNU R deployment interface for markdown and Shiny applications
r-cran-rsdmx (1:0.6-2+dfsg-1)
GNU R package for the Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange (SDMX) framework
r-cran-rserve (1.8-11-1)
GNU R Rserve tcp/ip server and sample clients
r-cran-rslurm (0.6.2+dfsg-1)
Submit R Calculations to a Slurm Cluster
r-cran-rsolnp (1.16+dfsg-4)
GNU R general non-linear optimization
r-cran-rspectra (0.16-1-1)
GNU R solvers for large-scale eigenvalue and SVD problems
r-cran-rsqlite (2.2.20-1)
Database Interface R driver for SQLite
r-cran-rstan (2.21.7-1)
GNU R interface to Stan
r-cran-rstanarm (2.21.3-2)
GNU R bayesian applied regression modeling via stan
r-cran-rstantools (2.2.0-2)
tools for developing GNU R packages interfacing with 'Stan'
r-cran-rstatix (0.7.2-1)
Pipe-Friendly Framework for Basic Statistical Tests
r-cran-rstudioapi (0.14-1)
paquet GNU R pour accéder à l'API de RStudio
r-cran-rsvd (1.0.5-1)
Randomized Singular Value Decomposition
r-cran-rsvg (2.4.0-1)
GNU R render SVG images into PDF, PNG, PostScript, or bitmap arrays
r-cran-rsymphony (0.1-33-1)
GNU R interface to the SYMPHONY MILP solver
r-cran-rtdists (0.11-5-1)
GNU R response time distributions
r-cran-rtsne (0.16-1)
t-SNE de GNU R utilisant l’algorithme de Barnes-Hut
r-cran-rtweet (1.1.0+dfsg-1)
collecting twitter data in GNU R
r-cran-runit (0.4.32-3)
paquet de GNU R fournissant un cadriciel de tests unitaires
r-cran-rversions (2.1.2-1)
query GNU R versions, including 'r-release' and 'r-oldrel'
r-cran-rvest (1.0.3-1)
Easily Harvest (Scrape) Web Pages
r-cran-rwave (2.6-5-1)
analyse temps-fréquence de signaux en 1D avec GNU R
r-cran-rwiener (1.3-3-1+b1)
GNU R Wiener process distribution functions
r-cran-s2 (1.1.2-1)
GNU R spherical geometry operators using the S2 geometry library
r-cran-sampling (2.9-2)
Draw random samples using different sampling schemes
r-cran-samr (3.0-2)
GNU R significance analysis of microarrays
r-cran-sandwich (3.0-2-1)
paquet de GNU R d'estimation d’erreurs standard selon un modèle robuste
r-cran-sass (0.4.5+dfsg-1)
GNU R Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets ('Sass')
r-cran-satellite (1.0.4-2+b1)
gestion et manipulation avec GNU R de données de télédétection
r-cran-scales (1.2.1-1)
Scale functions for visualization
r-cran-scatterd3 (1.0.1+dfsg-1)
nuage de points D3 JavaScript avec GNU R
r-cran-scattermore (0.8-1)
GNU R scatterplots with more points
r-cran-scatterplot3d (0.3-42-1)
paquet de GNU R pour la visualisation de données multivariables
r-cran-sctransform (0.3.5-1)
Variance Stabilizing Transformations for Single Cell UMI Data
r-cran-segmented (1.6-2-1)
GNU R segmented relationships in regression models
r-cran-selectr (0.4-2-2)
traduction de sélecteurs CSS en expressions XPath
r-cran-sem (3.1.15-1)
GNU R functions for fitting structural equation models -- sem
r-cran-semplot (1.1.6-1)
path Diagrams and visual analysis of various SEM GNU R packages
r-cran-semtools (0.5.6-1)
GNU R Tools for Structural Equation Modeling -- semTools
r-cran-sendmailr (1.4-0-1)
send email using GNU R
r-cran-seqinr (4.2-23-1)
GNU R biological sequences retrieval and analysis
r-cran-seriation (1.4.1-1)
GNU R infrastructure for ordering objects using seriation
r-cran-seroincidence (2.0.0-3)
calculatrice de séroincidence pour GNU R
r-cran-sessioninfo (1.2.2-1)
R Session Information
r-cran-setrng (2022.4-1-1)
ensemble de GNU R de générateurs (normaux) de nombre aléatoire et de graine
r-cran-sets (1.0.22+ds-1)
Sets, Generalized Sets, Customizable Sets and Intervals
r-cran-seurat (4.3.0-1)
Tools for Single Cell Genomics
r-cran-seuratobject (4.1.3-1)
GNU R data structures for single cell data
r-cran-sf (1.0-9+dfsg-1+b1)
Simple Features for R
r-cran-sfsmisc (1.1-14-1)
GNU R utilities from 'Seminar fuer Statistik' ETH Zurich
r-cran-sftime (0.2-0-5)
prise en charge par GNU R d’objets de structure simple ayant une colonne de temps
r-cran-shades (1.4.0-2)
Simple Colour Manipulation
r-cran-shape (1.4.6-1)
GNU R functions for plotting graphical shapes, colors
r-cran-shapes (1.2.7-1)
analyse statistique de formes
r-cran-shiny (1.7.4+dfsg-2+deb12u1)
GNU R web application framework
r-cran-shinybs (0.61.1-1)
GNU R Twitter bootstrap components for Shiny
r-cran-shinycssloaders (1.0.0-1)
add CSS loading animations to 'shiny' outputs in GNU R
r-cran-shinydashboard (0.7.2-1)
GNU R create dashboards with 'Shiny'
r-cran-shinyfiles (0.9.3-1)
GNU R server-side file system viewer for shiny
r-cran-shinyjs (2.1.0-1)
Easily Improve the User Experience of Your Shiny Apps in Seconds
r-cran-shinystan (2.6.0-1)
GNU R interactive diagnostics and analysis for Bayesian models
r-cran-shinythemes (1.2.0+dfsg-1)
Themes for Shiny
r-cran-simplermarkdown (0.0.4-3)
GNU R package which runs R code present in a pandoc markdown
r-cran-sitmo (2.0.2-1+b1)
GNU R parallel pseudo random number generator 'sitmo' header files
r-cran-sjlabelled (1.2.0-1)
GNU R labelled data utility functions
r-cran-sjmisc (2.8.9-1)
fonctions de GNU R de transformation de variables et de données
r-cran-sjplot (2.8.12+dfsg-1)
GNU R data visualization for statistics in social science
r-cran-sjstats (0.18.2-1)
GNU R collection of convenient functions for statistical computations
r-cran-skimr (2.1.5+dfsg-1)
GNU R compact and flexible summaries of data
r-cran-slam (0.1-50-1)
paquet de GNU R pour des tableaux et matrices, légers et creux
r-cran-slider (0.3.0-1)
GNU R sliding window functions
r-cran-sm (2.2-5.7.1-1)
paquet de GNU R pour des méthodes de lissage par noyau (kernel smoothing)
r-cran-smcfcs (1.7.1+dfsg-1)
GNU R multiple imputation of Covariates by substantive model
r-cran-smoother (1.1-2)
GNU R functions relating to the smoothing of numerical data
r-cran-sn (2.1.0-1)
paquet de GNU R pour des distributions normales asymétriques et Skew-T
r-cran-sna (2.7-1-1)
Tools for Social Network Analysis
r-cran-snakecase (0.11.0-2)
convert strings into any case for GNU R
r-cran-snow (1:0.4.4-2)
paquet de GNU R pour un réseau simple de stations de travail
r-cran-snowballc (0.7.0-1+b1)
Snowball stemmers based on the C libstemmer UTF-8 library
r-cran-snowfall (1.84-6.2-1)
GNU R easier cluster computing (based on snow)
r-cran-sodium (1.2.1+dfsg-1)
GNU R modern and easy-to-use crypto library
r-cran-solrium (1.2.0+dfsg-1)
general purpose R interface to 'Solr'
r-cran-sourcetools (0.1.7-1-1)
tools for reading, tokenizing and parsing R code
r-cran-sp (1:1.6-0+dfsg-1)
Classes et méthodes GNU⋅R pour les données spatiales
r-cran-spacetime (1.2-8+dfsg-1)
GNU R classes and methods for spatio-temporal data
r-cran-spam (2.9-1-1)
GNU R functions for sparse matrix algebra
r-cran-sparql (1.16-2)
r-cran-sparr (2.2-17-1)
risque relatif spatial et spatio-temporel avec GNU R
r-cran-sparsem (1.81-1)
GNU R package for basic linear algebra for sparse matrices
r-cran-sparsesvd (0.2-2-1)
GNU R sparse truncated singular value decomposition
r-cran-spatial (7.3-16-1)
paquet de GNU R pour l’analyse spatiale
r-cran-spatialreg (1.2-6+dfsg-1)
GNU R spatial regression analysis
r-cran-spatstat (3.0-3-1)
GNU R Spatial Point Pattern analysis, model-fitting, simulation, tests
r-cran-spatstat.core (2.4-4-2)
core functionality of the 'spatstat' family of GNU R packages (3.0-0-1)
datasets for the package r-cran-spatstat
r-cran-spatstat.explore (3.0-6-1)
GNU R exploratory data analysis for the 'spatstat' family
r-cran-spatstat.geom (3.0-6-1)
GNU R geometrical functionality of the 'spatstat' package
r-cran-spatstat.linnet (3.0-6-1)
linear networks functionality of the 'spatstat' family of GNU R
r-cran-spatstat.model (3.2-1-1)
modélisation statistique paramétrique avec GNU R pour la famille « spatstat »
r-cran-spatstat.random (3.1-3-1)
Random Generation Functionality for the 'spatstat' Family
r-cran-spatstat.sparse (3.0-0-1)
GNU R sparse three-dimensional arrays and linear algebra utilities
r-cran-spatstat.utils (3.0-1-1)
utilitaires de GNU R pour r-cran-spatstat
r-cran-spc (1:0.6.7-1)
maîtrise statistique des procédés de GNU R
r-cran-spdata (2.2.1-1)
GNU R datasets for spatial analysis
r-cran-spdep (1.2-7+dfsg-1)
GNU R spatial dependence: weighting schemes, statistics and models
r-cran-spdl (0.0.4-1)
GNU R package to Wrap RcppSpdlog Functions
r-cran-spelling (2.2-2)
tools for spell checking in GNU R
r-cran-splines2 (0.4.7-1)
GNU R regression spline functions and classes
r-cran-spp (1.16.0-2)
GNU R ChIP-seq processing pipeline
r-cran-sqldf (0.4-11-2)
manipulation de jeu de données de GNU R en utilisant SQL
r-cran-squarem (2021.1-1)
Squared Extrapolation Methods for Accelerating EM-Like Monotone Algorithms
r-cran-stable (1.1.6-1)
GNU R probability functions and generalized regression models
r-cran-stabledist (0.7-1-3)
GNU R package for stable distribution functions
r-cran-stablelearner (0.1-4+ds-1)
Stability Assessment of Statistical Learning Methods
r-cran-stanheaders (2.21.0-7-2)
C++ Header Files for Stan for GNU R
r-cran-stars (0.6-0-4)
scalable, spatiotemporal tidy arrays for GNU R
r-cran-startupmsg (0.9.6-2)
GNU R utilities for start-up messages
r-cran-statcheck (1.4.0-1)
GNU R functions for extraction of statistics from articles and recomputing p values
r-cran-statip (0.2.3-2+b1 [amd64, arm64, armel, armhf, i386, mipsel, ppc64el, s390x], 0.2.3-2 [mips64el])
statistical functions for probability distributions and regression
r-cran-statmod (1.5.0-1)
GNU R package providing algorithms and functions for statistical modeling
r-cran-statnet.common (4.8.0-1)
Common R Scripts and Utilities Used by the Statnet Project
r-cran-stringdist (0.9.10-1)
GNU R approximate string matching and string distance functions
r-cran-stringi (1.7.12-1)
utilitaires de traitement de chaines de caractères pour GNU R
r-cran-stringr (1.5.0-1)
Make it easier to work with strings
r-cran-strucchange (1.5-3-1)
paquet de GNU R pour estimer les régressions lors de changements de structure
r-cran-suppdists (1.1-9.7-1)
GNU R Supplementary Distributions
r-cran-surveillance (1.20.3-1)
paquet de GNU R pour la modélisation et la surveillance de phénomènes épidémiques
r-cran-survey (4.1-1-1)
GNU R analysis of complex survey samples
r-cran-survival (3.5-3-1)
paquet GNU R pour l'analyse de survie
r-cran-survminer (0.4.9+dfsg-1)
tracé avec GNU R de courbes de survie en utilisant ggplot2
r-cran-survmisc (0.5.6-1)
GNU R miscellaneous functions for survival data
r-cran-susier (0.12.35+dfsg-1)
GNU R sum of single effects linear regression
r-cran-svglite (2.1.1-1)
GNU R 'SVG' graphics device
r-cran-svmisc (1.2.3-1)
SciViews – fonctions diverses
r-cran-svunit (1.0.6-2)
SciViews - Unit, Integration and System Testing
r-cran-swagger (3.33.1-1)
GNU R dynamically generate documentation from a 'Swagger' compliant API
r-cran-sys (3.4.1-1)
Powerful and Reliable Tools for Running System Commands in GNU R
r-cran-systemfit (1.1-28-1)
estimation avec GNU R de systèmes d’équations
r-cran-systemfonts (1.0.4-1)
system native font finding for GNU R
r-cran-taxize (0.9.100-1)
informations de taxonomie avec GNU R à partir de différents sites web
r-cran-tcltk2 (1.2-11-3)
GNU R package for Tcl/Tk additions
r-cran-tcr (2.3.2+ds-1)
Advanced Data Analysis of Immune Receptor Repertoires
r-cran-teachingdemos (2.12-2)
GNU R Demonstrations for teaching and learning
r-cran-tensor (1.5-4)
GNU R Tensor product of arrays
r-cran-tensora (0.36.2-2+b1)
GNU R advanced tensor arithmetic with named indices
r-cran-terra (1.7-3-1)
GNU R spatial data analysis
r-cran-testextra (
GNU R Extract Test Blocks
r-cran-testit (0.13-1)
simple package for testing GNU R packages
r-cran-testthat (3.1.6-1)
GNU R testsuite
r-cran-textshaping (0.3.6-1+b1)
GNU R bindings to the 'HarfBuzz' and 'Fribidi' libraries for text shaping
r-cran-tfisher (0.2.0-3)
GNU R optimal thresholding fisher's P-value combination method
r-cran-tfmpvalue (0.0.9-1)
GNU R P-Value Computation for Position Weight Matrices
r-cran-tgp (2.4-21-1)
GNU R Bayesian treed Gaussian process models (1.1-1-1)
GNU R package for datasets by Torsten Hothorn
r-cran-thematic (
unified and automatic theming for GNU R
r-cran-themis (1.0.0-1)
GNU R extra recipes steps for dealing with unbalanced data
r-cran-threejs (0.3.3+dfsg-2)
tracé interactifs en 3D pour GNU R de nuages de points, de réseaux et de globes
r-cran-tibble (3.1.8+dfsg-1)
GNU R Simple Data Frames
r-cran-tidygraph (1.2.3-1)
GNU R tidy API for graph manipulation
r-cran-tidyr (1.3.0-1)
GNU R package to easily tidy data
r-cran-tidyselect (1.2.0+dfsg-1)
sélection avec GNU R à partir d’un ensemble de chaines
r-cran-tidytext (0.4.1-1)
GNU R text mining using 'dplyr', 'ggplot2', and other tidy tools
r-cran-tidyverse (1.3.2+dfsg-1)
Easily Install and Load the 'Tidyverse'
r-cran-tiff (0.1-11-1+b1)
Read and write TIFF images
r-cran-tikzdevice (0.12.4-1)
sortie de graphismes GNU R au format LaTeX
r-cran-timechange (0.2.0-1)
manipulation efficiente de dates et heures
r-cran-timedate (4022.108-1)
GNU R package for financial engineering -- timeDate
r-cran-timereg (2.0.5-1)
GNU R flexible regression models for survival data
r-cran-timeseries (4021.105-2)
paquet de GNU R pour ingénierie financière – séries temporelles
r-cran-tinytest (1.4.1-1)
Lightweight and Feature Complete Unit Testing Framework
r-cran-tinytex (0.44-1)
GNU R helper to compile LaTeX documents
r-cran-tkrplot (0.0.27-2)
paquet de GNU R à embarquer dans un dispositif de tracé en Tk
r-cran-tm (0.7-11-1)
Text Mining functionality for R
r-cran-tmb (1.9.2-1)
GNU R template model builder: general random effect tool
r-cran-tmvnsim (1.0-2-1+b1 [amd64], 1.0-2-1 [arm64, armel, armhf, i386, mips64el, mipsel, ppc64el, s390x])
GNU R package for truncated multivariate normal simulation
r-cran-tmvtnorm (1.5-1)
GNU R truncated multivariate normal and student t distribution
r-cran-tokenizers (0.3.0-1)
GNU R fast, consistent tokenization of natural language text
r-cran-transformr (0.1.4-1)
GNU R polygon and path transformations
r-cran-treescape (1.10.18+dfsg-2)
GNU R Statistical Exploration of Landscapes of Phylogenetic Trees
r-cran-treespace (
Statistical Exploration of Landscapes of Phylogenetic Trees
r-cran-triebeard (0.3.0-4)
GNU R radix trees in Rcpp
r-cran-trimcluster (0.1-5-2)
analyse avec GNU R de partitionnement avec réduction
r-cran-truncdist (1.0-2-4)
GNU R functions for truncated random variables
r-cran-truncnorm (1.0-8-3)
GNU R truncated normal distribution
r-cran-tseries (0.10-53-1)
paquet de GNU R pour l’analyse de séries temporelles et de calcul financier
r-cran-tsne (0.1-3.1-1)
t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding for R (t-SNE)
r-cran-tsp (1.2-2-1)
GNU R traveling salesperson problem (TSP)
r-cran-ttr (0.24.3-1+b1 [amd64, arm64, armel, armhf, i386, mipsel, ppc64el, s390x], 0.24.3-1 [mips64el])
paquet de GNU R pour bâtir des règles techniques de commerce
r-cran-tufte (0.12-1)
Tufte's Styles for R Markdown Documents
r-cran-tweenr (2.0.2-1)
GNU R interpolate data for smooth animations
r-cran-tzdb (0.3.0-1)
GNU R package for Time Zone Database
r-cran-ucminf (1.1-4.1-1)
GNU R general-purpose unconstrained non-linear optimization
r-cran-udunits2 (
Udunits-2 Bindings for R
r-cran-unbalanced (2.0-2)
GNU R racing for unbalanced methods selection
r-cran-uniqtag (1.0.1-1)
Abbreviate Strings to Short, Unique Identifiers
r-cran-unitizer (1.4.18-1)
interactive unit tests for GNU R
r-cran-units (0.8-1+dfsg-1)
Measurement Units for R Vectors
r-cran-upsetr (1.4.0+dfsg-2)
GNU R visualization of intersecting sets
r-cran-urca (1.3-3-1)
GNU R package providing unit root and cointegration tests
r-cran-urlchecker (1.0.1-2)
run CRAN URL checks from older GNU R versions
r-cran-urltools (1.7.3+dfsg-2)
GNU R vectorised tools for URL handling and parsing
r-cran-uroot (2.1-2-1)
GNU R unit root tests for seasonal time series
r-cran-usethis (2.1.6-1)
Automate Package and Project Setup
r-cran-utf8 (1.2.3-1)
GNU R unicode text processing
r-cran-uuid (1.1-0-1)
outils pour générer et gérer des UUID
r-cran-uwot (0.1.14-2)
GNU R uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP)
r-cran-v8 (4.2.2+dfsg-1)
Embedded JavaScript and WebAssembly Engine for R
r-cran-vcd (1:1.4-11-1)
GNU R Visualizing Categorical Data
r-cran-vcdextra (0.8-2-1)
GNU R package providing extensions and additions to the vcd package
r-cran-vcr (1.2.0+dfsg-1)
GNU R record HTTP calls to disk
r-cran-vctrs (0.5.2-1)
GNU R vector helpers
r-cran-vdiffr (1.0.5-1)
GNU R visual regression testing and graphical diffing
r-cran-vegan (2.6-4+dfsg-1)
Community Ecology Package for R
r-cran-venndiagram (1.7.3-1)
Generate High-Resolution Venn and Euler Plots
r-cran-vgam (1.1-7-1)
paquet de GNU R pour l’estimation de modèle additif généralisé vectoriel
r-cran-vim (6.2.2+dfsg-1)
GNU R visualization and imputation of missing values
r-cran-vioplot (0.4.0-1)
GNU R toolbox for violin plots
r-cran-vipor (0.4.5-3)
GNU R plot categorical data using quasirandom noise and density estimates
r-cran-viridis (0.6.2-1)
GNU R package for color maps from matplotlib
r-cran-viridislite (0.4.1-1)
paquet de GNU R pour les tables de couleurs issues de matplotlib – version légère
r-cran-vroom (1.6.1-1)
GNU R package for Read and Write Rectangular Text Data Quickly
r-cran-waldo (0.4.0-1)
find differences between R objects
r-cran-warp (0.2.0-2)
GNU R tool to group dates
r-cran-waveslim (1.8.4-1)
GNU R wavelet routines for 1-, 2- and 3-D signal processing
r-cran-wavethresh (4.7.2-1)
GNU R wavelets statistics and transforms
r-cran-wdi (2.7.8-1)
GNU R package for accessing the World Development Indicators
r-cran-webfakes (1.1.7-1)
fake Web Apps for HTTP testing of GNU R packages
r-cran-webgestaltr (0.4.5-1)
find over-represented properties in gene lists
r-cran-webmockr (0.8.2-1)
GNU R stubbing and setting expectations on 'HTTP' requests
r-cran-webshot (0.5.4-1)
GNU R take screenshots of web pages
r-cran-webutils (1.1-1+b1)
GNU R utility functions for developing web applications
r-cran-wgcna (1.72-1-1)
Weighted Correlation Network Analysis
r-cran-whatif (1.5-10-1)
GNU R evaluate counterfactuals
r-cran-whisker (0.4.1-1)
GNU R mustache, logicless templating
r-cran-whoami (1.3.0-2)
username, full name, email address in GNU R
r-cran-wikidataqueryservicer (1.0.0-2)
GNU R API client library for 'Wikidata Query Service'
r-cran-wikidatar (2.3.3-1)
bibliothèque cliente d’API de GNU R pour « Wikidata »
r-cran-wikipedir (1.5.0-3)
GNU R MediaWiki API Wrapper
r-cran-wikitaxa (0.4.0+dfsg-1)
informations taxonomiques à partir de Wikipédia pour GNU R
r-cran-withr (2.5.0-1)
GNU R package to run code 'With' temporarily modified global state
r-cran-wk (0.7.1-1)
GNU R lightweight well-known geometry parsing
r-cran-wkutils (0.1.3-1)
GNU R utilities for well-known geometry vectors
r-cran-wordcloud (2.6-2)
word clouds with GNU R
r-cran-worrms (0.4.2+dfsg-1)
client de GNU R pour le Registre mondial des espèces marines (WoRMS)
r-cran-xfun (0.37+dfsg-1)
miscellaneous GNU R functions by 'Yihui Xie'
r-cran-xml (3.99-0.13-1)
paquet de GNU R pour la génération et analyse d’XML
r-cran-xml2 (1.3.3-1+b1)
analyseur XML pour GNU R
r-cran-xmlparsedata (1.0.5-2)
Parse Data of R Code as an XML Tree
r-cran-xopen (1.0.0-2)
Open System Files, 'URLs', Anything
r-cran-xslt (1.4.4-1)
extensible style-sheet language transformations for GNU R
r-cran-xtable (1:1.8-4-2)
GNU R coerce data to LaTeX and HTML tables
r-cran-xts (0.13.0-1)
GNU R package for time series analysis -- xts
r-cran-yaml (2.3.7-1)
Methods to convert R data to YAML and back
r-cran-zeallot (0.1.0-3)
GNU R multiple, unpacking, and destructuring assignment
r-cran-zelig (5.1.7-3)
paquet de GNU R procurant un frontal pour les modèles d’estimation statistique
r-cran-zeligchoice (0.9-6-3)
GNU R zelig choice models
r-cran-zeligei (0.1-2-3)
GNU R zelig ecological inference models
r-cran-zeligverse (0.1.1-3)
GNU R easily install and load stable zelig packages
r-cran-zip (2.2.2-1+b1)
GNU R package for cross-platform zip compression
r-cran-zoo (1.8-11-1)
paquet de GNU R pour des observations totalement ordonnées et indexées
r-mathlib (
bibliothèque mathématique autonome de GNU R
r-other-amsmercury (1.3.0-4)
efficient calculation of accurate masses and abundances of isotopic peaks
r-other-ascat (3.1.1-1)
Allele-Specific Copy Number Analysis of Tumours
r-other-chbutils (0.1+git20171026.a226cee-2)
GNU R utilities from Harvard School of Public Health Bioinformatics
r-other-curvefdp (2.0-6)
estimation of confidence levels for peptide identifications
r-other-disgenet2r (0.99.2+git20230223.f2214db+dfsg-1)
GNU R package to query, visualize, and expand DisGeNET data
r-other-iwrlars (0.9-5-4+b1)
least angle regression, lasso, positive lasso and forward stagewise
r-other-kcha-psiplot (2.3.0-2+b1)
plots relative abundance alterantively spliced transcripts
r-other-mott-happy.hbrem (2.4-5)
GNU R package for fine-mapping complex diseases
r-other-nitpick (2.0-7)
peak identification for mass spectrometry data
r-other-rajewsky-dropbead (0.3.1+git20180221.d746c6f+ds-3)
Basic Exploration and Analysis of Drop-seq Data
r-other-wasabi (1.0.1-3)
prepare Sailfish and Salmon output for downstream analysis using GNU R
r-other-x4r (1.0.1+git20150806.c6bd9bd-3)
XMLA/MDX cube tool for R
r-recommended (
ensemble de paquets recommandés pour  R de GNU (métapaquet)